Secondary 9/10 Learning

In Maths we started the term with a focus on money. Students worked on recognising and ordering coins according to their value, they worked on using money in transactions including working out change and working with budgets. They practiced counting money and using the mental strategies from addition and subtraction taught earlier in the year to assist them when working with money.
For the first half of term classes have focused on geometry including 2D and 3D shapes and shape transformation. Students have explored the properties of shape.
In writing the students focused on procedural text for the first half of term. Students have explored the features and structure of procedural writing including the importance of sequence, present tense, the use of sub headings and a goal. This has been linked with their learning in Integrated Studies with students using their experiences in Integrated to provide the focus for their writing pieces.
In reading we have looked at visual language. We have explored many different types of visual text including wordless books, animation, still images, community signs and safety cards. We have discussed how we can make meaning from these images using the clues and information available for interpretation. We have also explored Word Knowledge and have unpacked things like plural words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and homophones as well as looking at how to use a dictionary.
Semester Two sees us change focus in Integrated studies to a Science based theme. Three classes are exploring Changing State while the other three are investigating Electricity. The classes will swap focus for Term 4 so that all classes cover both of the focus topics. The students in the Electricity focused class have enjoyed starting off their investigations with creating static electricity using balloons and hair and have begun to explore different sources of energy. While the Changing State classes have made 'oobleck' and have explored reversible and irreversible change.
Duke of Ed
Our snow camp has provided the students with their adventurous journey component of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. The students are currently compiling their evidence for their booklet including images from camp and writing up their reports.
Week 4 saw the beginning of the Term 3 STEAM groups. Based on feedback from the students who were surveyed last term for their ideas we have some new units running including craft & jewellery making, LittleBits electronic inventions, moving machines and a drag racer challenge. Robotics and special effects have continued on from term 2 due to their high popularity. The students received their design briefs in week 4 and we look forward to seeing their creations develop over the term.
Community Experience
The PreCAL classes have begun their focus on Leisure and hobbies in term 3 by starting off with a cooking focus. The classes visited local shopping centres at Polaris and Bundoora Square to purchase ingredients to bring back to school and cook. In week 4 the classes visited the Reverse Art Truck in Ringwood. The students were able to select interesting items to bring back to school to use in creating a recycled art piece. The students really enjoyed using the variety of materials they brought back to create an individual piece.
The Reverse Art Truck has a variety of resources available, have a look at their website
In reading the PreCAL classes have been focusing on visual literacy and have used images from both the community experience days and photos taken during the cooking they have done. They have viewed different posters and moving images to discuss the meaning they can generate from the visual literacy. While on the community experience day students have tuned into the visual literacy in the community and in the shops to assist them in making their purchase.
In writing the PreCAL classes have focused on procedural texts. They have explored the features and structure of a procedural text and have used their experiences in Integrated session when they have cooked to create a procedural text based on that experience. They have used images to assist them in sequencing the steps and have written instructions to create a procedural text.
In Maths the PreCAL classes have focused on money for the first half of term. Students have worked on recognising coins and identifying their value. They have built the language that can be used when working with money and have worked on grouping coins to create different money amounts. The classes have also explored shapes and identifying different shapes within the classroom and out on the community experience day. Students have worked on grouping shapes and identifying their different properties.
In STEAM the PreCAL classes are working on projects based on Design Technology. The students are using problem solving skills and working collaboratively to create different models and structures. The classes are using Lego, Strawbees, Kniex and other materials to design and create lots of different objects. There have also been some really creative vehicles designed using STEAM vehicle kits. The students are enjoying using their creativity and building their team work skills to make something that is special to them.