Specialist Program

Food Technology- Jane Stacey
This Term, students from 7/8H and 7/8G have been learning about making healthy food choices for all meals and snacks throughout the day. They have made some delicious cheese and spinach savoury scones, dips and vegetable platter, felafel and hommous wrap and a toastie of their choice. There has been a lot of discussion about ideas for healthy snacks and lunch items they could bring to school. Students have loved trying different foods, especially during the blind taste testing session!
Science- Sam Hutson
This term Secondary classes 7/8D and 7/8F have experienced an experiment based program ‘Spectacular Experiments’. For one term students have participated in a weekly experiment where they learn to set up, conduct and record results of guided investigations. These chemistry and physics based investigations have included; Pepper Swim Away, Amazing Milk, Erupting Lemon, Exploding Volcanoes, Endothermic Reaction, Bath Bombs, Rainbow Skittles, Paper Aeroplane Challenge and Tornado in a Bottle. Students have enjoyed being able to see each of the experiments work and making bath bombs which they were able to take home and share with their family and friends.
Year 7/8 Construction has explored a range of topics using a variety of resources and mediums over the Term. We have investigated the building properties of newspapers and made shelters that can fit a whole person inside, researched Marc Chagall and his surreal modernist paintings and had fun with new materials available from the Construction Cupboard! Students have worked with hammers, pliers, nails and balsa wood to design and construct 3D boxes which they’ve decorated, conceived and created cardboard diorama houses and learnt how to measure, twist, knot and tie their own hanging macramé pot holders!
Outdoor Education- Donna Thomas
During Term One, students have attended swimming at La Trobe University. They have been learning about water safety and swimming techniques. The students have had the chance to use Personal Floatation Devices (PFD) such as life jackets and understand when, where and how to use them safely.
Music- Justin Hall
Students have been developing all instrumental skills and music theory through band related tasks this term. Each class has selected their own song(s) to work on and have divided themselves among the instruments to form a band and rehearse their song with their classmates.
P.E- Hayley Northridge
Secondary 7/8 students have had a busy term working on their team work in both cricket and basketball minor games. They have also participated in the Australian Fitness Education Awards where they challenged themselves on individual fitness tests.
Visual Arts- Vera Mitchell
The students from secondary 7/8 have been examining shading and how to use this technique to change a 2D picture and make it appear 3D. We then starting looking a series of Indigenous art works from past, present and emerging Indigenous artists.
Digital Technology-Jess Mitchell
This term 7/8D and 7/8F made Claymation movies using the iStopMotion app. They had to think about a story, what their characters would be, and then mould plasticine to bring their characters to life. Many students took the time to create a detailed background to make their movie more interesting. Students then took photos of their characters, moved them in a small amount, then took another photo and so on until their movie was made. What great persistence they all showed!
Jane Stacey
Learning Specialist