Team Leader's Message

Term 1
It has been a fantastic start to the year with lots of engaging and enthusiastic learning taking place across the section. The Year 7 students have adapted to their new learning environment and all students have settled well into their new classes.
Teachers have been getting to know the students both personally and academically in order to provide the best, targeted learning to meet their individual needs. It has been particularly pleasing for me as the new Secondary 7-8 Team Leader to get to know all the students across the section, make connections and provide support wherever I can.
A particular highlight has been the development of our Section 7-8 Positive Behaviour Rocket. As part of our Concord student behaviour expectations, students have been working hard to demonstrate how to be Safe, be a Learner, be Respectful and be Responsible, both in the classroom and out in the yard. Students have earnt an overwhelming number of achievement cards and have already reached their first shared reward of a Casual Clothes day. It has been wonderful to see the students work together and encourage positive behaviours across the section.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support and understanding during these difficult times that we are currently facing. Our teachers and education support staff will continue to provide care, support and continuity of learning for all our students.
Karlie Gooding
Team Leader