Teaching and Learning

Remote Learning Achievements – Thank you!



It has been wonderful to see all of the learning activities that students and families have been completing at home and then sharing with our school community during Term 2. Many different areas of our learning curriculum have been covered including reading, writing, math, science and art to mention a few. A huge congratulations to everyone for all of their efforts here. Please see attached photos of our some of our student’s activities.



ICT Skills


This has also been a time when many of our students, staff and families, have had to improve and discover new ICT (Information, Communication & Technology) skills which has been both challenging yet rewarding at the same time. A huge “well done” to everyone for your efforts and achievements here also. I am sure that the skills learnt during the remote learning period will be helpful for our students as they continue to develop their skills once we all return to class.




Lastly, it has been such a pleasure to see the wonderful way in which our school community has supported each other with learning for our student’s during the remote learning period. Parents and carers have really worked hard to do their best to adapt here and support our school, students, staff and families. Brilliant effort everyone and thank you all.