Student Awards

Student of the Week - 01/05/2020

Prep/1A - Zoey - You have done an amazing job over the last couple of weeks, particularly in reading and hand writing, so now you are able to read and write all of your golden words. You showed me a comparison between your hand writing from the beginning of the year and recently and the difference is amazing! The most impressive thing is your reading, your videos have been wonderful! Congratulations Zoey and keep up the great work!

Prep/1J - Millie - For her wonderful hand writing, addition sums and art work that she has shared. Big congratulations to Millie. Well done! 

1/2R - Jack - For working very hard on his Home Learning tasks. Jack has completed some excellent work, particularly for the maths graphing task. He has also been focusing on his handwriting. Keep up the great work Jack!

2/3C - Declan J. - For persisting with his learning tasks even when he really doesn't want to. That's when we see a true good student. Well done Declan!

3/4S - Declan C. - You are working so hard and I loved your video. Well done! 

3/4W - Charlie J. - Charlie I'm very impressed with the work you have submitted this past week. Your bookwork is neat and ordered and I like how your work is handwritten. Keep working hard remotely.

5/6H - Cooper Te. - For submitting all learning tasks through Compass for the entire week. Your advertisement for the electric toothbrush was persuasive and very entertaining. Congratulations Cooper!  

5/6S - Aiden - For successfully completing and submitting the work you have done during the first 3 weeks of remote learning. I really like the wide range of tasks you have chosen to work on. Keep up this excellent effort!

Science - Mohammed - For his great work in the topic of Biomes and Adaptations. Well done Mohammed! 

Art - Ryan - For an incredible and almost life sized Thomas the Tank engine cardboard sculpture. Congratulations Ryan, great work!

Music - Isaac F. - For an excellent 12 bar blues song and a creative, competent and brave presentation. Well done Isaac! 

Student of the Week - 08/05/2020

Prep/1A - Paige - You have consistently done some wonderful work but in particular I want to congratulate you on your maths work. You have found ways to engage yourself with your learning by using hands on materials and activities. You are doing a great job. Keep up the great work!

Prep/1J - Chloe - For making a wonderful number chain and for working to learn her sight words. Congratulations Chloe! Well done! 

1/2R - Aiden - For his fantastic attitude towards working on his home learning tasks. He's completed some great work and has shown a really pleasing improvement with his handwriting. Keep it up Aiden!

2/3C - Poppy - For selling a boring object! I never knew you could do so many things with a box of tissues! Great work Poppy, keep it up!

3/4S - Lilly-Rose and Billy - For showing great, careful and thoughtful work during remote learning. Well done!

3/4W - Tahnee - Great start to your remote learning Tahnee. I am impressed with your work ethic. Keep up this positive attitude to your education.

5/6H - Adam - For submitting well thought out and appropriately detailed responses for your main idea task for reading this week. Excellent effort! Well done Adam!

5/6S - Chloe - For showing great persistence as she successfully submitted  a range of tasks done during remote learning. I really like the wide range of tasks you have chosen to work on. Keep up this excellent effort Chloe!

Science - Blade - For his excellent work on the topic of Biomes and for also conducting Science experiments at home. Keep up the great work Blade! Well done!

Art - Brody and Ajay M.-  For an excellent, creative and simply good looking piece of nature art! Well done!

Music - Lily- For very well thought out lyrics which really captured the essence of the change of the seasons in your 12 Bar Blues song.