From the Principal's desk



Our staff are excited that we will have children returning to school from Tuesday of next week. Below are some key dates and information regarding our return to school.


Key Dates

Monday 25th May                    Student Free Day

Tuesday 26th May                   P1J, P1A, 12R and 23C return to school (Week 7)

Tuesday 9th June                    All students return to school (Week 9)


Changes to School Routines

While the Chief Health Officer has advised that students will not be required to maintain physical distancing at school, there will be a number of important changes to our school operations, consistent with health advice provided to all schools.


Drop-off & Pickups: In line with department advice we are asking parents to avoid congregating around school grounds and have therefore modified our entry and exit points for children. Class teachers and support staff will greet the children at the specified gate and take them to class. Children are to arrive at school between 8:40-9:00 am. Normal finish time applies.


During Week 7 & 8 the following applies:

  • P1J (Mr. Jenner’s class) and P1A (Ms. Allen’s class) and any older siblings of the children permitted to attend, enter and exit through the front gates on Quinn Street.
  • 12R (Ms. Robertson’s class) and any older siblings permitted to attend, enter and exit by the East gate near the Multi-Purpose room on Gray Street.
  • 23C (Ms. Cottingham’s class) and any older siblings permitted to attend, enter and exit by the West gate on McCaskill Street
  • Bus travellers enter and exit through the Northern gate on Callander Street.
  • Students who are attending onsite from 34W, 34S, 56H and 56S who haven’t got younger siblings enter and exit from their normal exit point. At the start of the day they go straight to the library courtyard.

We will carefully monitor the situation and adjust entry and exit points if required. A further update will follow for when the whole school returns.



On arriving at school children will begin the day in their classroom. There will be no play before the school day begins. Recess and Lunchtimes will remain the same with children directed to play in certain areas. At the end of the day children are to go straight home.


Lunch Orders & Canteen

Lunch orders will resume on 9th June. The school canteen will be closed for the reminder of the term.


Homework Club: Homework Club will resume in Term 3.


Breakfast Club: We ask that parents ensure children have a healthy breakfast at home as our breakfast will not be open for the rest of the term.


School Health & Safety Measures

Our school is following the School Operation Guidelines released by the Education Department which instructs us to have progressive and end of the day cleaning of high touch surfaces such as, chairs, tables, entry and exit points, toilets, washbasins, playgrounds etc.

The following measures also apply:

  • Students are to bring a water bottle to school as they are not to drink out of the school taps. Water bottles may be refilled at school.
  • We are focusing on hand hygiene with the children and ensuring they wash their hands or use hand sanitiser before and after breaks or when in contact with high use items or areas.
  • If a child or staff member is feeling unwell, they must not attend school. They must remain home and seek medical advice. If students become unwell throughout the day, parents will be contacted to come and collect their child. We have also recently purchased an infrared temperature gauge which can assist us, if we become concerned about the health of a staff member or child.
  • Parent queries to the school must be made via phone rather than in person.



Our reports will look a little different this semester. We will be providing written feedback in English, Mathematics and also a General Comment on how children managed their learning during the remote learning phase. Specialist teacher comments will be incorporated into this comment where it is applicable. Progression points will not appear on these reports. Reports will be open to be viewed on Compass on 25th June. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to call your child’s classroom teacher if you have any concerns about their learning.

Also, we would like to acknowledge the hard work of all teachers, parents, carers and children during this remote learning phrase. Of course, it has had its challenges, but more importantly everyone has learnt new skills, communication between parents and teachers has increased and there is now more a sense of us as a learning community.


Student Wellbeing

Our Wellbeing Team has been meeting weekly and making regular contact with families over the term. We acknowledge that while for some children it may be exciting to return to school, for others it may be a source of anxiety. If you are concerned about your child returning to school or have an issue you would like to discuss, please give the school a call and a member of our wellbeing team will speak with you.



Debbie Oliver


Numurkah Primary School.