Year 9/10

End of term 3- news from Ms Monaghan

Market Day has come and gone for Year 9! The weather was kind, as were the customers that visited stalls on the day. Students put many months of hard work and dedication into the planning and execution of the day, so it could be as successful as possible. They learnt that running a business can present with challenges and isn’t as easy as it may first appear to be. Thank you to the families that came in to support the day. Students- well done on the most successful Market Day yet- your teachers are very proud of you! A huge thank you to the P2S and Year 9 teachers for the additional time and effort put into supporting the students for this day to run as smoothly as it did.


Year 10 Wellbeing day took place last Wednesday. Students had a focus of teamwork and how to work as a group successfully, including their communication skills to achieve success. Many groups were fantastic with trying to successfully complete challenges, such as communicating a message to another group, without talking or writing (AUSLAN to the rescue!), trivia with Police present and a pizza lunch was also a hit!  A key point of the day was having One Punch guest speaker, Ben O’Toole from Pat Cronin Foundation, talk about his experience and of others, in the hope that our students can be mindful of their actions as they learn about the ramifications if physicality is used on others. I know the Year 10 team were feeling the warm fuzzies, with the success of the day and the positive attitude of the students. Thanks to all of you for your hours of hard work to make this day possible.


For all students and families, please have a safe and relaxing break. Use this time to get your computers fixed, purchased or updated. Replace any uniform items needed and complete any homework required, so you’re ready to start off your last term of this year prepared and positive!


Y10 News Term 3

Our Y10s started off the term with a digital incursion which had them thinking about their social media accounts, privacy settings and what information they put out there. What would prospective employers find if they googled your name? It was great to see our students engaging with the facilitator and understand that once you put something on the internet – it is there forever!


Our year 10s did a fantastic job on Athletics day despite the cold and wet conditions with a number of our cohort making it through to Division Athletics. Well done to Cedric, Aurora, Denzel, Ronan, Gemma, Olivia, Ramish, Kingsley, Rishab, Manula, Abbie, Elly and Shaun.

We have really improved in our participation this year with a number of students taking up the offer of learning new skills by attending Snow Camp and getting involved in all aspects of the production.

Special mention to Ronan and Alex who were amazing in their lead roles in We Will Rock You! An absolutely fantastic show.


Our Y10 STEM students produced a wondrous piece of machinery and came away with awards at the annual Spaghetti Machine Competition run by Monash. If you have not seen their amazing hard work and craftsmanship then check out the link below.

We finished off the term with our Y10 Wellbeing Day and RUOK day which had students working in teams to solve a myriad of puzzles, listen to the relevant and incredible guest speakers from the Pat Cronin Foundation and receive their positive affirmation notes on RUOK day.

Next term we start off with a Road Smart incursion run by VIC Roads to help prepare our students for making the journey to being safe road users. We then start to knuckle down as we head towards our end of year exams before Step Up.

Year 10 News Term 4

Our Y10s started off the term with a Road Smart incursion run by VIC Roads.

Young and inexperienced drivers face the greatest risk on our roads. Road crashes continue to be one of the leading causes of death for young people aged 18 to 25. 


By using evidence-based road safety education, we can lay the foundations for safe driving and help reduce road trauma among young people.


Is your child learning to drive? As part of the Road Smart school program, students are eligible for a FREE driving lesson with an approved instructor. Visit Road Smart to find out more.


A select group of high achieving students were invited to attend Lunch with the Winners an annual Industry-Education event.

This year's event was hosted by Glenn Manton (former AFL player and co-founder of Whitelion) with an impressive line-up of young presenters working in different fields and/or studying at university.

Lunch with the Winners brings together more than 200 local secondary students and employers for a careers conversation over lunch.

Our students were able to engage in conversations about pathways to success and learned that to get to where you want to go is not always a straight line and before you get there you may change your career objective and that’s okay.


EXAMS, VCE, VCAL and beyond.

Our students should be revising for exams which take place November 21st and November 22nd.

It is really important students are at school no later than 8.40 so that exams can start on time

Thursday 21st NovemberENGENGENGSCISCINo classes , students may leave at lunch if permission form submitted
Friday 22nd NovemberHUMSHUMSHUMS




No Exam for Essential Math Class




No Exam for Essential Math Class

No classes, students, may leave at lunchtime if permission form submitted.


Students undertaking a VCE subject

 Tuesday 19th NovemberWednesday 20th November
8.50 – 10.35amPsychology Units ½ OP03/4

Biology Units ½ OP03/4

Business Management Units ½ OP1/2


Notices have gone home for permission to leave after the exams on the Thursday and Friday, please ensure these are returned promptly.

Ensure your child is studying Term 3 and Term 4 content and that they have checked in with Elective Subject teachers to see if they have an exam and when it will be scheduled.

What to bring:

Writing materials (pens, pencils, eraser and sharpener)


Catch Up exams will take place Monday 25th November – this will show up on your child’s compass.


2020 Subjects and Courses

Enrolment packs went home 2 weeks ago outlining student details (please update as necessary) and course selections for VCE and VCAL – make sure these are correct if any issues or you would like to change your subject/VET please see Miss Corney or Mrs Greenwood in the Y11 Office.

If your child has not received an enrolment pack please get in touch with the school. Alternatively if your child is not going to attend CESC in 2020 please contact the school to arrange an exit meeting.


We look forward to celebrating our success at our final Y10 Assembly on Wednesday 27th November.

Congratulations Sanuda Perera

Congratulations to Sanuda for his participation in the Parliament Prize of Victoria competition. Sanuda went to Parliament House on Thursday 12th September to meet parliamentarians and receive his certificate and prize for second place in the competition.

This year, there was 589 primary and secondary school students from 113 schools across Victoria who entered the competition. Students created a 90 second video to address parliament. Finalists videos were then viewed by members of parliament with final placings selected.

Sanuda receiving second place is a fantastic achievement and he received feedback which included being passionate and clear about his topic. Well done Sanuda!

Year 9 City Experience

As part of P2S, this term, the Year 9s have been learning about the different soft skills they need to be successful citizens in today’s society including; communication, communication, resilience, adaptability, persistence, confidence and more.

At the end of the term they will be attending a camp to challenge themselves and practice these skills. In preparation for the camp students have also participated in wall climbing and a scavenger hunt in their recent city experience excursion. Some photos from city experience are below:

CESC Celebrates Diwali

On the 25th of October, we went to Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School to attend their special Diwali assembly. Diwali; the festival of lights, celebrates the victory of good vs evil and the returning of light to all of the lands. This assembly was held to embrace the Indian festival of Diwali and the bright and vivid culture of India.


The venue was beautifully decorated with bright colours, elaborate ‘rangoli’ designs and most importantly the Indian and Australian flags to represent this union. We were pleasantly surprised by the amount of effort and hard work several students put in to make this event a grand success. There were several performances and we were all delighted to see the amount of students who had the courage and passion to perform for a large audience.


Indigenous incursion

Over the past two weeks we have gone to seminars that have been based around smoking and what smoking does to your body and how it effects your body. It has been a great experience for us all to learn about what illnesses we can get from smoking. Smoking is killing off the Aboriginal community. The amount of illnesses that you can get from smoking and how it is the nicotine in the cigarettes is the thing that people get addicted to and the reason why they keep smoking. It was a great experience been able to go to these seminars and learn how we can be healthier.


Kiara  T Year 9