Supporting our Students during Remote Learning

KSC Student Support Services

Thank you for supporting our students through the beginning of the remote learning program. Whilst it is quite a change for most of us, we can see that many of our students have adapted really well. You should be proud of how they have overcome these challenges. We do recognise however, that the pandemic and subsequent isolation has impacted on the wellbeing of many students, families and the wider community.




We wish to inform families that our student wellbeing team has structures in place to support students throughout our period of remote learning. We welcome your phone calls to the College with messages that are passed on to our team. We will then get in contact with you directly to offer support over the phone. This may be to set up a phone call appointment with your young person, or to suggest some referral options external to the College. We are certainly in this together, and would be pleased to offer support to your child during this time.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if your child needs support.

For additional support, Headspace has offered young people and families some helpful resources on their website.