Senior School 

April 2020

Welcome to a very unique term 2. One that parents, teachers and students will remember! During such times, it is really important to focus on the good things that happen each day. There will be challenges, and they can be worked through. 

Remember we are not mind readers, and communication is essential. I have asked that students are polite and respectful in sending emails, and that my colleagues reciprocate and respond in a timely manner. Please remember to provide a return email address.

I was very pleased this morning to receive a lovely email from one of my year 9 food technology students. He’d already baked today!


VCAA have extended Unit 3 by 2 weeks and moved the GAT to October/November.


We are still waiting for further details from the VCAA in terms of detailed information about how remote SACs and other assessments will be delivered. In the meantime, we will proceed with coursework and assessments arising from last term.

Redemptions are being completed from Term 1. Please ensure the redemption form is completed. We ask that students complete a declaration, stating they have not accessed support material, either hard copy, electronic or through a person. We appreciate your support in this matter.

KSC Remote Learning Guide

I encourage you to familiarise yourself with this document. It is accessible on Compass and provides detailed information, particularly for VET students.

I highly recommend that you engage with your young person each day, and discuss the day’s work. There are suggested questions at the bottom of the learning plan.

Personal Care

It is also highly recommended to follow the 20-20-20 rule.

Take regular breaks from the screen and ensure you eat well, exercise and drink water.



We are in the process of setting up a Year 12 Microsoft Team, so we can run assemblies.

ALL Year 12s need to access their passwords from Mrs Galvin in order to logon to Microsoft Teams.  All Year 12s must be signed in no later than Thursday 30th April please. Email Mrs Galvin:


Year 12 Jackets

The arrival of jackets is noted. These will be distributed when we return


Take care and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Senior School Team

Mrs Nicole Hardham   Year 11 Co-ordinator    

Mrs Amber Galvin       Year 12 Co-ordinator    

Mrs Carmela Sant       VCAL/VET Leader