Year Five/Six News 

Fractions, fractions and more fractions!

During the first three weeks of this term, the year 5/6s have been deepening their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages. 


To kick things off, we posed the following challenge to the students. 


There's a room in your school that has three tables in it with plenty of space for chairs to go round. 


Table 1 has one block of chocolate on it.

Table 2 has two blocks of chocolate on it.

Table 3 has three blocks of chocolate on it.


Students then had to enter the classroom one at a time and decide which table they wanted to sit at. When the last person had sat down, they then had to share the chocolate evenly between the people sitting at their table. 


Which table do you think got the most chocolate per person?

Which table would you have sat at?


The year 5/6 students had a lot of fun with this challenge and in the end, all got to enjoy some chocolate (which was the best part)! 


Over the next week, students learnt a number of skills like creating equivalent fractions, placing fractions on a number line, counting by fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, finding the lowest common denominator, and much much more!