Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Oliver A

For his efforts during independent writing (Rick D3) 

Matthew R

For building on his letter and sound knowledge (Holly D4)

Hudson M

For a wonderful job at participating in the St John Ambulance First Aid course! (Hannah D5)

Lyla W

For her amazing work on fractions this week in Maths (Jess M1)

John S

For showing kindness to his peers by listening and taking turns. Well done John! (Rebecca M2)

Louise R

For your wonderful work during our fractions (Claire M3)

Kobe J

For always offering to lend a helping hand (Claire & Kate M4)

Evelyn C

For always showing respect by listening to others and contributing to discussion. Well done! (Katie M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Stevie S

For being supportive of other students (Mrs Brown B1)

Lacie E

For her kindness and always willing to help others (Brooke B3)

Paige L

For showing courage when engaging in class discussions (Mr Loader B4)

Harrison C

For working had during writing on his description piece about his pet dog (Lauren B5)

Hope T

For writing a great 'letter to the author' text response (Kyra & Emily P S1)

Amilie V R

For being enthusiastic about her learning (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Felix W

For always being a tremendous team player and a loyal friend (Mr C S3)

Josh B

For putting effort into his maths (Troy S4)

Zoe S

For consistently displaying school values (Troy S4)



Levi B D4

for creating a fantastic spider man puppet (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Jake D M5

For creating an excellent character puppet (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Misty P B1

For sharing our STEM person of the week with her class (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Georgia F S2

For demonstrating her knowledge in STEM (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Ruby H S3

For always contributing ideas, opinions and thoughts during group discussions 

in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Victoria P B5

For fantastic dodging, weaving and speedy running during games in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Fletcher P M3

For excellent setting and packing up in P.E. class for Miss Wood and Katherine (Katherine PE)

Class of M5

For being inclusive and caring while playing games with M3! (Katherine PE)

Liam M D5

For persevering with a challenging task in art. Well done! (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Deylilah R D5

For working on a challenging task and successfully creating a 3D cardboard 

sculpture (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Blake H M3

For confidently sharing his art ideas and handy hints with others (Mrs Bleicher VA)