Year 1 Bulletin

Task: Mathematics

Curriculum Link: Fractions


Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole.


Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections.



Learning intention: To recognise and create fractions - halves, quarters and eighths.




The students were exposed to various ways of looking at fractions. E.g. Fractions of a whole and fractions of a collection. Students recognised and described one half as one of two equal parts of a whole. 


The students folded paper of various shapes and sizes to create halves, quarters and eighths.


They practised the skill of repeated halving, where a paper can be folded again to create a new fraction.


Examples of fraction posters:

The students designed and made fraction pizzas. They described which topping will go on which fraction of the pizza. 


For example: The whole pizza will be covered with sauce and cheese, half the pizza will have ham and pineapple and a quarter of the pizza will have salami and mushrooms.


Examples of pizza designs:

Fun making pizzas in the kitchen:

What you can do to support your child at home:

  • Explore fractions when cooking or preparing food. E.g. Half an apple, half of the lollies, a third of the fruit collection, what fraction of eggs are in the carton
  • How many different ways can a sandwich/object be cut/shared to create halves or quarters?
  • Create fractions using playdough or food. E.g. Share the cookies in half or quarters
  • Sort collections of items such as toys, into fractions. E.g. Half of a collection of 12 toys is 6, a quarter of a collection of 12 toys is 3

Angela and Roula

Year 1 Team