Primary News

P-6 Awesome Art

Students from P-6 have been busy this Term creating 'Awesome Art'.

Prep/One  have began Music and are learning about beats and rhythms using the Djembe Drums.

Year Two/Three are learning and investigating different skills of how to take awesome photos using the Ipad.

Year Four/Five/Six are working in pairs to create their own 'Claymation Animation'.

It is wonderful to see our students enjoying and being engaged with their learning.

Mrs A


Stig Wemyss Visit

On Wednesday, the Year 2-6 students were treated to a very entertaining visit from Stig Wemyss, a renown children’s book narrator.  Stig is the voice of all the Andy Griffith audio books along with the Aussie Bites series and a range of other titles.  The free visit was organised by the Sunraysia Library Service and a big message was the importance of joining the local library and borrowing the free audio books that are available.  

During the performance, Stig had the children (and teachers) in hysterics with his over the top, hilarious show.  There were also many opportunities for student participation throughout the performance.  Please ask your child/children at home what they thought and we are sure they will give you a rave review.  

100 Days for Preps

Preps were celebrated for reaching 100 days of school. Making glasses and crowns.

Prep / 1 Swimming

Last week the Prep / 1 students enjoyed the swimming program at First Stroke Swimming.

Please enjoy some pictures of the Prep / 1 students.

Prep / 1's

Grade Prep/One students have been learning about different materials in their inquiry unit this term. This has involved plenty of hands-on creative activities, including plasticine goats, foil boats, fabric bags, cardboard bridges and wooden boxes.




Last week in MAPPEN, the year 2 students investigated sound. They made their own sounds, music and instruments.

Responsible Pet Program

Prep-One Students took part in a responsible pet program. They met an Italian greyhound named Echo. All students represented the school in a respectful manner and some were lucky enough to demonstrate how to approach dogs in a safe way.


 We have a spare uniform storage at school for a range of circumstances – to assist families in need, for students in the event of toileting or food accidents and, particularly in swimming weeks, in the event of lost uniforms. If your child has grown out of their old uniforms and these are still in good condition, please consider donating them. We have plenty of jumpers but are running low on t-shirts, pants, shorts and hats. Please send your child with your donations to Miss P (Carla Piscitelli). 

Wellbeing Food Pantry

The college keeps a small amount of non-perishable food on hand for whenever students need it – this is often used when students leave lunchboxes at home or even for those days when they are just extra hungry! With winter coming into season, we are seeing an increase in the demand for this service. Some students have asked whether they can provide donations which is fantastic and is an indication of the wonderful community we have here at Merbein P-10 College. If any families wish to donate some non-perishable snack food (popcorn, jelly cups, muesli bars), send them with your child to give to Miss P or hand in to the primary office with Heather. Thanks!


Social and Emotion Learning - Health with Miss P (Carla Piscitelli)

Years P-1

Students in Prep and Grade 1 have been learning about help-seeking the past few weeks. We have been discussing who can help us and how to ask for help in a range if situations - big and small problems. Parents are encouraged to make time this week to sit down as a family and have a conversation on your emergency procedures at home and what to do in a range of situations

Here are some to get you started:

  1. How to ring 000. Where is the phone located? How do we type in the number? What information do we need? What is an ‘emergency’?
  2. In the event of a fire, what is our family’s response/safety plan? Where do we go? Who are our safe neighbours?
  3. If an adult is hurt and your child is the only one home with that adult, where/who can that child go to for help? Do they ring someone or do you have a safe neighbour they can go to for help?

Years 2-4

Students in Grades 2, 3 and 4 have been learning about help-seeking the past few weeks. This week and next week, we are specifically learning about responding in the event of an emergency situation. The most common situation a child needs to ring 000 is when they are at home with a parent and that parent becomes injured. We have learnt how to make a 000 call, what makes an ‘emergency’ and how a 000 call sounds by listening to some recordings of real-life calls made from children.


It was alarming to see the number of students that did not know their home address as this is the most vital piece of information needed to get help from emergency services. Students have been given homework over the next week – to learn their home address and a family members mobile phone number and be able to memorise it by next week. This information could save you/your child’s life. 


Please make time to work with your child/ren at home to memorise this information in the event of an emergency. 



Years 5-6

Students in Grades 5 and 6 have been learning about help-seeking the past few weeks. We have been having lots of practice in class time on how to ask for help. Students are encouraged to ask for specific help rather than just “I need help”. Students were given the following process.

Families are encouraged to make time to have conversations with your child/ren at home this week and discuss some situations when they might need to ask for help. Children are more likely to seek help from an adult when they have a secure emotional connection to so these conversations are super important!

Some conversation starters to get you going:

  • How is life going for you at the moment?
  • Are there any things going on for you that make you feel stressed?
  • How are your friends going? Tell me the things you enjoy doing together. 

Naming Articles

Please remember it is very important to name all your children’s property clearly, especially hats and jumpers, bags, drink bottles and lunch containers.

OSHC Program

A reminder to families our OSHC program only operates until 6.00pm each school night.

Please ensure you collect  your child/ren by 6.00pm or a late fee of $1.00 per child per minute will be charged.

Your support with this is greatly appreciated.

On the last day of term OSHC finishes at 5p

Dogs on School Grounds

If you are bringing a dog to school at pick-up or drop-off times please make sure it is on a lead and that you wait outside the gate for your child/ren.  We have students with allergies and some students that are very nervous around dogs. Thank you.

Before School

Families please be aware that students who arrive at school before 8.40am can go to the Breakfast Club, held in the Canteen from 8.15am. Alternatively, they may sit on the seats at the back of the Green Building until 8.40am.  Students are not to play out the front of the Green Building until 8.40am when the front playground is supervised and the doors of the Green Building are opened.

Severe Food Allergies

There are students at the school with severe food allergies.  Please remind your child that their food is not to be shared.

School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB) Posters

The expected behaviours for Year P-3 students.

The expected behaviours for Year 4-6 students.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

 Cheryll Hodge is our school’s OSHC coordinator and can be contacted on 0428 258035 if you have any queries. Please remember to contact Cheryll if your child/children are booked in and won't be attending.

Blue Book/Library Bags

Reminder that all students need a suitable waterproof bag to put their library and reading books in to take home.  Blue book/library bags are for sale at the school uniform shop.  Students are to return their diaries, books and bags every day after reading their book at home.