
Mr. John Ryan - Deputy Principal

Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College takes the issue of bullying very seriously and works swiftly through process-driven and evidence-based information to prevent and remedy it.


The prevention of and responses to bullying, inappropriate use of technology and disrespectful behaviour are more readily achieved through a whole school approach, focusing on creating and maintaining caring and supportive environments and a culture that promotes positive relationships and reflects Catholic Social Teaching. Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, aggression and violence can adversely affect the wellbeing of our students and are therefore unacceptable.


Bullying is not just "playing around' or harmless fun. Bullying happens when someone has (or thinks they have) more power than someone else.

This could be:

  • power in numbers
  • being older or stronger
  • being popular
  • being in the majority.

Bullying behaviour can also happen because of jealousy, lack of knowledge, fear or misunderstanding.


It’s important to know that bullying is very complex, and it can change depending on the situation or who's around. A person might use, experience or be a bystander to bullying behaviour. Each of these different roles can have a negative impact on mental health and can make experiencing mental health problems more likely.


What are the effects of bullying?

Anyone who has experienced bullying might feel:

Bullying can increase the risk of developing mental health problems for everyone involved, particularly those experiencing bullying.


Bullying can take place anywhere. It can happen at home, at work, in school, at university, online or over the phone.


The College Anti-Bullying and Bullying Prevention Policy establishes the rights of all students to experience an environment free from fear, intimidation and harassment. All students have the right to feel safe and comfortable at school and to be treated with understanding and respect by others.    


When students, staff or parents report bullying our Wellbeing team members use the MMCRC Bullying Record Keeping Tool to document the evidence collected to enhance a better outcome for our young people. 


Please ring John Ryan on 5662 4255 should you want to discuss College response procedures or receive some clarification about how the College promotes Child safety.

The College recommends you use the MacKillop TV resource. An excellent podcast is “Parenting Beyond Discipline” by Erin Royer


See link https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/27-bullying/id1092660175?i=1000374249555