VCE Science

Biology    Chemistry    Environmental Science    Physics    Psychology


Units 1 - 4    2022 - 2026

Scope of Study

The study of Biology explores the diversity of life as it has evolved and changed over time and considers how living organisms function and interact. It explores the processes of life, from the molecular world of the cell to that of the whole organism and examines how life forms maintain and ensure their continuity. Students study contemporary research, models and theories to understand how knowledge in biology has developed and how this knowledge continues to change in response to new evidence and discoveries. An understanding of the complexities and diversity of biology provides students with the opportunity to appreciate the interconnectedness of concepts and areas both within biology, and across biology and the other sciences.


An important feature of undertaking a VCE science study is the opportunity for students to engage in a range of scientific investigation methodologies, to develop key science skills, and to interrogate the links between knowledge, theory and practice. Students work collaboratively as well as independently on a range of scientific investigations involving controlled experiments, fieldwork, case studies, correlational studies, classification and identification, modelling, simulations, literature reviews, and the development of a product, process or system. Knowledge and application of the safety and ethical guidelines associated with biological investigations is integral to the study of VCE Biology.


As well as increasing their understanding of scientific processes, students develop insights into how knowledge in biology has changed, and continues to change, in response to new evidence, discoveries and thinking. They develop capacities that enable them to critically assess the strengths and limitations of science, respect evidence-based conclusions and gain an awareness of the ethical contexts of scientific endeavours. Students consider how science is connected to innovation in addressing contemporary biological challenges.



VCE Biology enables students to investigate the processes involved in sustaining life at cellular, system and species levels. In undertaking this study, students develop an understanding that, in the dynamic and interconnected system of life, all change has consequences that may affect an individual, a species or the collective biodiversity of Earth. Students gain insights into how molecular and evolutionary concepts and key science skills underpin much of contemporary biology, and how society applies such skills and concepts to resolve problems and make scientific advancements.


In VCE Biology, students develop and enhance a range of inquiry skills including practical experimentation, research and analytical skills, problem-solving skills including critical and creative thinking, and communication skills. Students pose questions, formulate hypotheses, conduct investigations and  analyse and  critically  interpret qualitative  and  quantitative data.  They assess  the limitations of data, evaluate methodologies and results, justify their conclusions, make recommendations and communicate their findings. Students use biological knowledge, scientific skills and ethical understanding to investigate and analyse contemporary bioethical issues and communicate their views from an informed position.


VCE Biology provides for continuing study pathways within the discipline and can lead to a range of careers. Branches of biology include botany, genetics, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology and zoology. In addition, biology is applied in many fields of human endeavour including bioethics, biotechnology, dentistry, ecology, education, food science, forestry, health care, horticulture, medicine, optometry, physiotherapy and veterinary science. Biologists work in cross-disciplinary areas such as bushfire research, environmental management and conservation, forensic science, geology, medical research and sports science.



The study is made up of four units, structured as a series of curriculum-framing questions that reflect the inquiry nature of the discipline.

Unit 1: How do organisms regulate their functions? 

Unit 2: How does inheritance impact on diversity? 

Unit 3: How do cells maintain life?

Unit 4: How does life change and respond to challenges?


Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. Each outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and is complemented by a set of key science skills.



There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3. Students must undertake Unit 3 and Unit 4 as a sequence.  Units 1 to 4 are designed to a standard equivalent to the final two years of secondary education. All VCE studies are benchmarked against comparable national and international curriculum.


Unit 1: How do organisms regulate their functions?

In this unit students examine the cell as the structural and functional unit of life, from the single celled to the multicellular organism, including the requirements for sustaining cellular processes. Students focus on cell growth, replacement and death and the role of stem cells in differentiation, specialisation and renewal of cells. They explore how systems function through cell specialisation in vascular plants and animals and consider the role homeostatic mechanisms play in maintaining an animal’s internal environment.


A student-adapted or student-designed scientific investigation is undertaken in Area of Study 3. The investigation involves the generation of primary data and is related to the function and/or the regulation of cells or systems. The investigation draws on the key science skills and key knowledge from Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2.


Unit 2: How does inheritance impact on diversity?

In this unit students explore reproduction and the transmission of biological information from generation to generation and the impact this has on species diversity. They apply their understanding of chromosomes to explain the process of meiosis. Students consider how the relationship between genes, and the environment and epigenetic factors influence phenotypic expression. They explain the inheritance of characteristics, analyse patterns of inheritance, interpret pedigree charts and predict outcomes of genetic crosses.


Students analyse the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproductive strategies, including the use of reproductive cloning technologies. They study structural, physiological and behavioural adaptations that enhance an organism’s survival. Students explore interdependences between species, focusing on how keystone species and top predators structure and maintain the distribution, density and size of a population. They also consider the contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and perspectives in understanding the survival of organisms in Australian ecosystems.


A student-directed research investigation into a contemporary ethical issue is to be undertaken in Area of Study 3. The investigation relates to the application of genetic knowledge, reproductive science, inheritance or adaptations and interdependencies beneficial for survival. The investigation draws on key knowledge and key science skills from Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2.


Unit 3: How Do Cells Maintain Life?

In this unit students investigate the workings of the cell from several perspectives. They explore the relationship between nucleic acids and proteins as key molecules in cellular processes. Students analyse the structure and function of nucleic acids as information molecules, gene structure and expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and proteins as a diverse group of functional molecules. They examine the biological consequences of manipulating the DNA molecule and applying biotechnologies.


Students explore the structure, regulation and rate of biochemical pathways, with reference to photosynthesis and cellular respiration. They explore how the application of biotechnologies to biochemical pathways could lead to improvements in agricultural practices.


Students apply their knowledge of cellular processes through investigation of a selected case study, data analysis and/or a bioethical issue. Examples of investigation topics include, but are not limited to: discovery and development of the model of the structure of DNA; proteomic research applications; transgenic organism use in agriculture; use, research and regulation of gene technologies, including CRISPR-Cas9; outcomes and unexpected consequences of the use of enzyme inhibitors such as pesticides and drugs; research into increasing efficiency of photosynthesis or cellular respiration or impact of poisons on the cellular respiration pathway.


The cell is a dynamic system of interacting molecules that define life. An understanding of the workings of the cell enables an appreciation of both the capabilities and the limitations of living organisms whether animal, plant, fungus or microorganism. The convergence of cytology, genetics and biochemistry makes cell biology one of the most rapidly evolving disciplines in contemporary biology.


In this unit students investigate the workings of the cell from several perspectives. They explore the importance of the insolubility of the plasma membrane in water and its differential permeability to specific solutes in defining the cell, its internal spaces and the control of the movement of molecules and ions in and out of such spaces.


Unit 4: How does life change and respond to challenges?

In this unit students consider the continual change and challenges to which life on Earth has been, and continues to be, subjected to. They study the human immune system and the interactions between its components to provide immunity to a specific pathogen. Students consider how the application of biological knowledge can be used to respond to bioethical issues and challenges related to disease.


Students consider how evolutionary biology is based on the accumulation of evidence over time. They investigate the impact of various change events on a population’s gene pool and the biological consequences of changes in allele frequencies. Students examine the evidence for relatedness between species and change in life forms over time using evidence from paleontology, structural morphology, molecular homology and comparative genomics. Students examine the evidence for structural trends in the human fossil record, recognising that interpretations can be contested, refined or replaced when challenged by new evidence.


Students demonstrate and apply their knowledge of how life changes and responds to challenges through investigation of a selected case study, data analysis and/or bioethical issue. Examples of investigation topics include, but are not limited to: deviant cell behaviour and links to disease; autoimmune diseases; allergic reactions; development of immunotherapy strategies; use and application of bacteriophage therapy; prevention and eradication of disease; vaccinations; bioprospecting for new medical treatments; trends, patterns and evidence for evolutionary relationships; population and species changes over time in non-animal communities such as forests and microbiota; monitoring of gene pools for conservation planning; role of selective breeding programs in conservation of endangered species; or impact of new technologies on the study of evolutionary biology.



Satisfactory Completion

The award of satisfactory completion for a unit is based on a decision that the student has demonstrated achievement of the set of outcomes specified for the unit. This decision will be based on the teacher’s assessment of the student’s performance on assessment tasks designated for the unit.


Levels of Achievement Units 1 and 2

Procedures for the assessment of levels of achievement in Units 1 and 2 are a matter for school decision.

Assessment of levels of achievement for these units will not be reported to the VCAA. Schools may choose to report levels of achievement using grades, descriptive statements or other indicators.


Units 3 and 4

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority will supervise the assessment of all students undertaking Units 3 and 4 in School-assessed Coursework and an end of year exam.

Percentage contributions to the study score in VCE Biology are as follows: 

Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework: 20%

Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework: 30%

End-of-year examination: 50%


Units 1 - 2    2023 – 2027             

Units 3 - 4    2024 - 2027

Scope of study

The study of VCE Chemistry involves investigating and analysing the composition and behaviour of matter, and the chemical processes involved in producing useful materials for society in ways that minimise adverse effects on human health and the environment. Chemistry underpins the generation of energy for use in homes and industry, the maintenance of clean air and water, the production of food, medicines and new materials, and the treatment of wastes. 


An important feature of undertaking a VCE science study is the opportunity for students to engage in a range of scientific investigation methodologies, to develop key science skills, and to interrogate the links between knowledge, theory and practice. Students work collaboratively as well as independently on a range of scientific investigations involving controlled experiments, fieldwork, case studies, classification and identification, modelling, simulations, literature reviews, and the development of a product, process or system. 


Knowledge and application of the safety considerations, including use of safety data sheets, and ethical guidelines associated with undertaking investigations is integral to the study of VCE Chemistry.


As well as increasing their understanding of scientific processes, students develop insights into how knowledge in chemistry has changed, and continues to change, in response to new evidence, discoveries and thinking. They explore the impact of chemistry on their own lives, and on society and the environment. 


They develop capacities that enable them to critically assess the strengths and limitations of science, respect evidence-based conclusions and gain an awareness of the ethical contexts of scientific endeavours. Students consider how science is connected to innovation in addressing contemporary chemistry-based challenges.



VCE Chemistry enables students to investigate a range of chemical, biochemical and geophysical phenomena through the exploration of the nature of chemicals and chemical processes. Sustainability principles, concepts and goals are used to consider how useful materials for society may be produced with the least possible adverse effects on human health and the environment. In undertaking this study, students apply chemical principles to explain and quantify the behaviour of matter, as well as undertake practical activities that involve the analysis and synthesis of a variety of materials.


In VCE Chemistry, students develop and enhance a range of inquiry skills, such as practical experimentation, research and analytical skills, problem-solving skills including critical and creative thinking, and communication skills. Students pose questions, formulate hypotheses, conduct investigations, and analyse and critically interpret qualitative and quantitative data. 


They assess the limitations of data, evaluate methodologies and results, justify their conclusions, make recommendations and communicate their findings. Students apply chemical knowledge, scientific skills, and critical and creative thinking to investigate and analyse contemporary chemistry-related issues and communicate their views from an informed position.


VCE Chemistry provides for continuing study pathways within the discipline and can lead to a range of careers. Branches of chemistry include organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and biochemistry. 


In addition, chemistry is applied in many fields of human endeavour including agriculture, bushfire research, dentistry, dietetics, education, engineering, environmental science, forensic science, forestry, horticulture, medicine, metallurgy, meteorology, nursing, pharmacy, sports science, toxicology, veterinary science and viticulture.



The study is made up of four units. 

Unit 1: How can the diversity of materials be explained?

Unit 2: How do chemical reactions shape the natural world?

Unit 3: How can design and innovation help to optimise chemical processes?

Unit 4: How are carbon-based compounds designed for purpose?


Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. Each outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and key skills.



There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3. Students must undertake Unit 3 and Unit 4 as a sequence. Units 1–4 are designed to the equivalent standard of the final two years of secondary education. All VCE studies are benchmarked against comparable national and international curriculum.


Unit 1: How can the diversity of materials be explained?

The development and use of materials for specific purposes is an important human endeavour. In this unit students investigate the chemical structures and properties of a range of materials, including covalent compounds, metals, ionic compounds and polymers. 


They are introduced to ways that chemical quantities are measured. They consider how manufacturing innovations lead to more sustainable products being produced for society, through the use of renewable raw materials and a transition from a linear economy towards a circular economy.


Students conduct practical investigations involving the reactivity series of metals, separation of mixtures by chromatography, use of precipitation reactions to identify ionic compounds, determination of empirical formulas, and synthesis of polymers.


Throughout this unit students use chemistry terminology including symbols, formulas, chemical nomenclature and equations to represent and explain observations and data from their own investigations and to evaluate the chemistry-based claims of others.


A student-directed research investigation into the sustainable production or use of a selected material is to be undertaken in Area of Study 3. The investigation explores how sustainability factors such as green chemistry principles and the transition to a circular economy are considered in the production of materials to ensure minimum toxicity and impacts on human health and the environment. The investigation draws on key knowledge and key science skills from Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2.


Unit 2: How do chemical reactions shape the natural world?

Society is dependent on the work of chemists to analyse the materials and products in everyday use. In this unit students analyse and compare different substances dissolved in water and the gases that may be produced in chemical reactions. They explore applications of acid-base and redox reactions in society.


Students conduct practical investigations involving the specific heat capacity of water, acid-base and redox reactions, solubility, molar volume of a gas, volumetric analysis, and the use of a calibration curve.


Throughout the unit students use chemistry terminology, including symbols, formulas, chemical nomenclature and equations, to represent and explain observations and data from their own investigations and to evaluate the chemistry-based claims of others. 


A student-adapted or student-designed scientific investigation is undertaken in Area of Study 3. The investigation involves the generation of primary data and is related to the production of gases, acid-base or redox reactions, or the analysis of substances in water. It draws on the key science skills and key knowledge from Unit 2 Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2.


Unit 3: How can design and innovation help to optimise chemical processes?

The global demand for energy and materials is increasing with world population growth. In this unit students investigate the chemical production of energy and materials. They explore how innovation, design and sustainability principles and concepts can be applied to produce energy and materials while minimising possible harmful effects of production on human health and the environment.


Students analyse and compare different fuels as energy sources for society, with reference to the energy transformations and chemical reactions involved, energy efficiencies, environmental impacts and potential applications. They explore food in the context of supplying energy in living systems. The purpose, design and operating principles of galvanic cells, fuel cells, rechargeable cells and electrolytic cells are considered when evaluating their suitability for supplying society’s needs for energy and materials. 


They evaluate chemical processes with reference to factors that influence their reaction rates and extent. They investigate how the rate of a reaction can be controlled so that it occurs at the optimum rate while avoiding unwanted side reactions and by-products. Students conduct practical investigations involving thermochemistry, redox reactions, electrochemical cells, reaction rates and equilibrium systems.


Throughout the unit students use chemistry terminology, including symbols, formulas, chemical nomenclature and equations, to represent and explain observations and data from their own investigations and to evaluate the chemistry-based claims of others.


Unit 4: How are carbon-based compounds designed for purpose?

Carbon is the basis not only of the structure of living tissues but is also found in fuels, foods, medicines, polymers and many other materials that we use in everyday life. In this unit students investigate the structures and reactions of carbon-based organic compounds, including considering how green chemistry principles are applied in the production of synthetic organic compounds. 


They study the metabolism of food and the action of medicines in the body. They explore how laboratory analysis and various instrumentation techniques can be applied to analyse organic compounds in order to identify them and to ensure product purity. 


Students conduct practical investigations related to the synthesis and analysis of organic compounds, involving reaction pathways, organic synthesis, identification of functional groups, direct redox titrations, solvent extraction and distillations.


Throughout the unit students use chemistry terminology including symbols, formulas, chemical nomenclature and equations to represent and explain observations and data from their own investigations and to evaluate the chemistry-based claims of others.



Satisfactory Completion

The award of satisfactory completion for a unit is based on a decision that the student has demonstrated achievement of the set of outcomes specified for the unit. This decision will be based on the teacher’s assessment of the student’s performance on assessment tasks designated for the unit.


Levels of Achievement Units 1 and 2

Procedures for the assessment of levels of achievement in Units 1 and 2 are a matter for school decision.


Units 3 and 4

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority will supervise the assessment of all students undertaking Units 3 and 4 in School-assessed Coursework and an end of year exam.


Percentage contributions to the study score in VCE Chemistry are as follows:

Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework 20%               

Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework 30 %

End-of-year examination: 50%

Environmental Science

Units 1 - 4    2022 - 2026

Scope of Study

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary, investigative science that explores the interactions and interconnectedness between humans and their environments and analyses the functions of both living and non-living elements that sustain Earth systems.


In VCE Environmental Science, Earth is understood as a set of four interrelated systems: the atmosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere. This study explores how the relationships between these systems produce natural environmental change over a variety of time scales and how these systems respond to change and disruption. Students investigate the extent to which humans modify their environments and the consequences of these changes in local and global contexts with a focus on biodiversity, pollution, food and water security, climate change and energy use. Students examine the challenges and opportunities presented by selected environmental issues and case studies, and consider how different value systems, priorities, knowledge and regulatory frameworks affect environmental decision-making and planning for a sustainable future.


An important feature of undertaking a VCE science study is the opportunity for students to engage in a range of scientific investigation methodologies, to develop key science skills, and to interrogate the links between theory, knowledge and practice. Students work collaboratively as well as independently on a range of tasks involving controlled experiments, fieldwork, case studies, correlational studies, classification and identification, modelling, simulations, literature reviews, and the development of a product, process or system. Knowledge and application of the safety and ethical guidelines associated with undertaking investigations is integral to the study of VCE Environmental Science.


As well as increasing their understanding of scientific processes, students develop insights into how knowledge in environmental science has changed, and continues to change, in response to new evidence, discoveries and thinking. They develop capacities that enable them to critically assess the strengths and the limitations of science, respect evidence-based conclusions and gain an awareness of the ethical contexts of scientific endeavours, including sociocultural, economic, political and legal factors. Students consider the role of innovation and science in addressing contemporary environmental challenges.



VCE Environmental Science enables students to explore the interrelationships between Earth’s four systems. Students examine how past and current human activities affect the environment and how future challenges can be managed sustainably. In undertaking this study, students gain an understanding of the complexity of environmental decision-making, and how innovative responses to environmental challenges can reduce pressure on Earth’s natural resources and ecosystem services. 


In VCE Environmental Science, students develop a range of scientific inquiry skills including practical experimentation, research and analytical skills, problem-solving skills including critical and creative thinking, and communication skills. Students pose questions, formulate hypotheses, conduct investigations, and analyse and critically interpret qualitative and quantitative data. They assess the limitations of data, evaluate methodologies and results, justify their conclusions, make recommendations and communicate their findings. Students investigate and evaluate environment-related issues, alternative proposals and responses to challenges by considering both short- and long-term consequences for the individual, the environment and society. 


VCE Environmental Science provides direct pathways to a range of careers related to atmospheric sciences, ecology, environmental chemistry and geosciences. The interdisciplinary nature of the study leads to pathways including, but not limited to, architecture, environmental law, engineering, environmental consultancy, environmental advocacy, government policy development, industrial management, landscape design, regional and urban planning, and teaching and research. Environmental scientists also work in cross-disciplinary solutions-oriented areas such as coastal management, climate risk management and disaster risk management.



The study is made up of four units, structured under a series of curriculum-framing questions that reflect the inquiry nature of the discipline.

Unit 1: How are Earth’s dynamic systems interconnected to support life?

Unit 2: What affects Earth’s capacity to sustain life?

Unit 3: How can biodiversity and development be sustained?

Unit 4: How can climate change and energy impacts be managed?


Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. Each outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and is complemented by a set of key science skills.



There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3. Students must undertake Unit 3 and Unit 4 as a sequence. Units 1 to 4 are designed to a standard equivalent to the final two years of secondary education. All VCE studies are benchmarked against comparable national and international curriculum.


Unit 1: How are Earth’s Dynamic Systems Interconnected to support Life

Earth has been dramatically altered over the past 4.5 billion years by naturally occurring climate swings, volcanic activity, drifting continents and other transformative processes. Human activities and lifestyles have an impact on, and are impacted by, Earth’s systems both directly and indirectly, and with both immediate and far-reaching effects. 


In this unit students examine the processes and interactions occurring within and between Earth’s four interrelated systems – the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. They focus on how ecosystem functioning can influence many local, regional and global environmental conditions such as plant productivity, soil fertility, water quality and air quality. 


Students explore how changes that have taken place throughout geological and recent history are fundamental to predicting the likely impact of future changes. They consider a variety of influencing factors in achieving a solutions-focused approach to responsible management of challenges related to natural and human-induced environmental change.


Unit 2: What Affects Earth’s Capacity Sustain Life

A sustainable food and water system with a minimal environmental footprint is necessary to secure the food and water supplies that can meet the demands of current and future populations of Earth’s species, including humans. 


Both natural and human activities can generate pollution that can cause adverse effects across Earth’s four interrelated systems – the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere – and consequently affect food and water security.


Pollution can make air and water resources hazardous for plants and animals. It can directly harm soil microorganisms and larger soil-dwelling organisms, with consequences for soil biodiversity, as well as impacting on food security by impairing plant function and reducing food yields.


In this unit students consider pollution as well as food and water security as complex and systemic environmental challenges facing current and future generations. They examine the characteristics, impacts, assessment and management of a range of pollutants that are emitted or discharged into 


Earth’s air, soil, water and biological systems, and explore factors that limit and enable the sustainable supply of adequate and affordable food and water. 


Unit 3: How Can Biodiversity and Development be Sustained

In this unit students focus on environmental management through the application of sustainability principles. They explore the value of the biosphere to all living things by examining the concept of biodiversity and the ecosystem services important for human health and well-being. 


They analyse the processes that threaten biodiversity and evaluate biodiversity management strategies for a selected threatened endemic animal or plant species. Students use a selected environmental science case study with reference to sustainability principles and environmental management strategies to explore management from an Earth systems perspective, including impacts on the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. 


Unit 4: How can Climate Change and the Impacts of Human Energy use be Managed

In this unit students explore different factors that contribute to the variability of Earth’s climate and that can affect living things, human society and the environment at local, regional and global scales. Students compare sources, availability, reliability and efficiencies of renewable and non-renewable energy resources in order to evaluate the suitability and consequences of their use in terms of upholding sustainability principles. 


They analyse various factors that are involved in responsible environmental decision-making and consider how science can be used to inform the management of climate change and the impacts of energy production and use.


Measurement of environmental indicators often involves uncertainty. Students develop skills in data interpretation, extrapolation and interpolation and test predictions. They recognise the limitations of contradictory, provisional and incomplete data derived from observations and models. They explore relationships and patterns in data and make judgments about accuracy and validity of evidence. 



Satisfactory Completion

The award of satisfactory completion for a unit is based on the teacher’s decision that the student has demonstrated achievement of the set of outcomes specified for the unit. Demonstration of achievement of outcomes and satisfactory completion of a unit are determined by evidence gained through the assessment of a range of learning activities and tasks. 


Levels of Achievement

Units 1 and 2

Procedures for the assessment of levels of achievement in Units 1 and 2 are a matter for school decision.


Units 3 and 4

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority will supervise the assessment of all students undertaking Units 3 and 4 in School-assessed Coursework and an end of year exam.


Percentage contributions to the study score in VCE Environmental Science are as follows:

Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework: 20%

Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework: 30%

End-of-year examination: 50%


Study Design 

Units 1 & 2    2023 – 2027

Units 3 & 4    2024 - 2027

Scope of Study

The study of VCE Physics involves investigating, understanding and explaining the behaviour of physical phenomena in the Universe. Models, including mathematical models, are used to explore, simplify and predict how physical systems behave at varying scales from the very small (quantum and particle physics) through to the very large (astronomy and cosmology). 


Beginning with classical ideas and considering their limitations, and then being introduced to more modern explanations of the world, provides a novel lens through which students experience the world around them, drawing on their natural curiosity and wonder.


Conceptual understanding is developed as students study topics including light, atomic physics, radiation, thermal physics, electricity, fields, mechanics, quantum physics and the nature of energy and matter. Students are given agency through a choice of options and in designing and undertaking their own investigations. 


An important feature of undertaking a VCE science study is the opportunity for students to engage in a range of scientific investigation methodologies, to develop key science skills, and to interrogate the links between theory, knowledge and practice.


 Students work collaboratively as well as independently on a range of tasks involving experiments, fieldwork, case studies, classification and identification, modelling, simulations, literature reviews, and the development of a product, process or system. Knowledge and application of the safety and ethical guidelines associated with undertaking investigations is integral to the study of VCE Physics.


As well as increasing their understanding of scientific processes, students develop insights into how knowledge in physics has changed, and continues to change, in response to new evidence, discoveries and thinking. 


They develop capacities that enable them to critically assess the strengths and limitations of science, respect evidence-based conclusions and gain an awareness of the ethical contexts of scientific endeavours. Students consider how science is connected to innovation in addressing contemporary physics challenges. 


Through the study of VCE Physics students continue to develop skills to describe, explain, analyse and mathematically model diverse physical phenomena.



VCE Physics enables students to use observations, experiments, measurements and mathematical analysis to develop qualitative and quantitative explanations for phenomena occurring from the subatomic scale to macroscopic scales. They explore the big ideas that changed the course of thinking in physics such as relativity and quantum physics. 


While much scientific understanding in physics has stood the test of time, many other areas continue to evolve, leading to the development of more complex ideas and technological advances and innovation. In undertaking this study, students develop their understanding of the roles of careful and systematic observation, experimentation and modelling in the development of theories and laws. They undertake practical activities and apply physics principles to explain and quantify phenomena.


In VCE Physics, students develop and extend a range of scientific inquiry skills including practical experimentation, research and analytical skills, problem-solving skills including critical and creative thinking, and communication skills. Students pose questions, formulate hypotheses, conduct investigations, and analyse and critically interpret qualitative and quantitative data. 


They assess the limitations of data, evaluate methodologies and results, justify their conclusions, make recommendations and communicate their findings. Students investigate and evaluate physics-related issues and the impacts of physics research both locally and globally and communicate their views from a position informed by their knowledge of physics.


VCE Physics provides for continuing study pathways within the discipline and can lead to a range of careers. Physicists may undertake research and development in specialist areas including acoustics, astrophysics and cosmology, atmospheric physics, computational physics, communications, education, engineering, geophysics, instrumentation, lasers and photonics, medical diagnosis and treatment, nuclear science, optics, pyrotechnics and radiography. 


Physicists also work in cross-disciplinary areas such as bushfire research, climate science, forensic science, materials science, neuroscience, remote sensing, renewable energy generation, sports science and transport and vehicle safety.



The study is made up of four units, structured under a series of curriculum-framing questions that reflect the inquiry nature of the discipline.

Unit 1: How is energy useful to society?

Unit 2: How does physics help us to understand the world?

Unit 3: How do fields explain motion and electricity?

Unit 4: How have creative ideas and investigation revolutionised thinking in physics?


Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. Each outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and is complemented by a set of key science skills.



There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3. Students must undertake Unit 3 prior to undertaking Unit 4. Students entering Unit 3 without Units 1 and/or 2 may be required to undertake additional preparation as prescribed by their teacher.

Units 1 to 4 are designed to a standard equivalent to the final two years of secondary education. All VCE studies are benchmarked against comparable national and international curriculum.


Unit 1: How is Energy Useful to Society?

In this unit students examine some of the fundamental ideas and models used by physicists in an attempt to understand and explain energy. Models used to understand light, thermal energy, radioactivity, nuclear processes and electricity are explored. 


Students apply these physics ideas to contemporary societal issues: communication, climate change and global warming, medical treatment, electrical home safety and Australian energy needs. 


Unit 2: How does Physics help us to Understand the World?

In this unit students explore the power of experiments in developing models and theories. They investigate a variety of phenomena by making their own observations and generating questions, which in turn lead to experiments.


In Area of Study 1, students investigate the ways in which forces are involved both in moving objects and in keeping objects stationary and apply these concepts to a chosen case study of motion. 


In Area of Study 2, students choose one of eighteen options related to climate science, nuclear energy, flight, structural engineering, biomechanics, medical physics, bioelectricity, optics, photography, music, sports science, electronics, astrophysics, astrobiology, Australian traditional artefacts and techniques, particle physics, cosmology and local physics research. 

The selection of an option enables students to pursue an area of interest through an investigation and using physics to justify a stance, response or solution to a contemporary societal issue or application related to the option. 


A student-adapted or student-designed scientific investigation is undertaken in Area of Study 3. The investigation involves the generation of primary data and draws on the key science skills and key knowledge from Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2.


Unit 3: How Do Fields Explain Motion and Electricity?

In this unit students use Newton’s laws to investigate motion in one and two dimensions. 


They explore the concept of the field as a model used by physicists to explain observations of motion of objects not in apparent contact. Students compare and contrast three fundamental fields – gravitational, magnetic and electric – and how they relate to one another. They consider the importance of the field to the motion of particles within the field. Students examine the production of electricity and its delivery to homes. 


They explore fields in relation to the transmission of electricity over large distances and in the design and operation of particle accelerators. 


A student-designed practical investigation involving the generation of primary data and including one continuous, independent variable related to fields, motion or light is undertaken either in Unit 3 or Unit 4, or across both Units 3 and 4, and is assessed in Unit 4, Outcome 2. 


Unit 4: How have Creative Ideas and Investigation Revolutionised Thinking in Physics?

A complex interplay exists between theory and experiment in generating models to explain natural phenomena. Ideas that attempt to explain how the Universe works have changed over time, with some experiments and ways of thinking having had significant impact on the understanding of the nature of light, matter and energy. 


Wave theory, classically used to explain light, has proved limited as quantum physics is utilised to explain particle-like properties of light revealed by experiments. Light and matter, which initially seem to be quite different, on very small scales have been observed as having similar properties. 


At speeds approaching the speed of light, matter is observed differently from different frames of reference. Matter and energy, once quite distinct, become almost synonymous.


In this unit, students explore some monumental changes in thinking in Physics that have changed the course of how physicists understand and investigate the Universe. They examine the limitations of the wave model in describing light behaviour and use a particle model to better explain some observations of light. Matter, that was once explained using a particle model, is re-imagined using a wave model. 


Students are challenged to think beyond how they experience the physical world of their everyday lives to thinking from a new perspective, as they imagine the relativistic world of length contraction and time dilation when motion approaches the speed of light. They are invited to wonder about how Einstein’s revolutionary thinking allowed the development of modern-day devices such as the GPS.


A student-designed practical investigation involving the generation of primary data and including one continuous, independent variable related to fields, motion or light is undertaken either in Unit 3 or Unit 4, or across both Units 3 and 4, and is assessed in Unit 4, Outcome 2. 



Satisfactory Completion

The award of satisfactory completion for a unit is based on whether the student has demonstrated the set of outcomes specified for the unit.


Levels of Achievement

Units 1 and 2

Procedures for the assessment of levels of achievement in Units 1 and 2 are a matter for school decision.


Units 3 and 4 

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority will supervise the assessment of all students undertaking Units 3 and 4 in School-assessed Coursework and an end of year exam.


Percentage contributions to the study score are as follows:                                                            

Unit 3 School- assessed Coursework: 30%

Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework: 20%

End-of-year examination: 50%


Units 1- 4    2023 - 2027

Scope of Study

Psychology is a multifaceted discipline that seeks to describe, explain, understand and predict human behaviour and mental processes. It includes many sub-fields of study that explore and seek to better understand how individuals, groups, communities and societies think, feel and act. 


There are many different approaches to the study of psychology. VCE Psychology applies a biopsychosocial approach to the systematic study of mental processes and behaviour. Within this approach, different perspectives, models and theories are considered. Each of these has strengths and weaknesses, yet considered together they allow students to develop their understanding of human behaviour and mental processes and the interrelated nature of biological, psychological and social factors. Biological perspectives focus on how physiology influences individuals through exploring concepts such as hereditary and environmental factors, nervous system functioning and the role of internal biological mechanisms. 


Psychological perspectives consider the diverse range of cognitions, emotions and behaviours that influence individuals. Within the social perspective, factors such as cultural considerations, environmental influences, social support and socioeconomic status are explored. The biopsychosocial approach can be applied to understand a variety of mental processes and behaviours.


Students study contemporary research, models and theories to understand how knowledge in psychology has developed and how this knowledge continues to change in response to new evidence and discoveries in an effort to solve day-to-day problems and improve psychological wellbeing. Where possible, engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of doing, being and knowing has been integrated into the study, providing students with the opportunity to contrast the Western paradigm of psychology with Indigenous psychology. 


An understanding of the complexities and diversity of psychology provides students with the opportunity to appreciate the interconnectedness of concepts both within psychology and across psychology and the other sciences.


An important feature of undertaking a VCE science study is the opportunity for students to engage in a range of scientific investigation methodologies, to develop key science skills and to interrogate the links between knowledge, theory and practice. Students work collaboratively as well as independently on a range of scientific investigations including controlled experiments, case studies, correlational studies, modelling, simulations and literature reviews. Knowledge and application of the research, ethical and safety guidelines associated with psychological investigations is integral to the study of VCE Psychology.


As well as increasing their understanding of scientific processes, students develop insights into how knowledge in psychology has changed, and continues to change, in response to new evidence, discoveries and thinking. They develop the capacity to critically assess the strengths and limitations of science, they develop respect for evidence-based conclusions, and they gain an awareness of the ethical and cultural contexts of scientific endeavours. Students consider how science is connected to innovation in addressing contemporary psychological challenges. 



VCE Psychology is designed to enable students to explore the complex interactions between thought, emotions and behaviour. They develop an insight into biological, psychological and social factors and the key science skills that underpin much of psychology. VCE Psychology is designed to promote students’ understanding of how society applies such skills and psychological concepts to resolve problems and make scientific advancements. 


The study is designed to promote students’ confidence and their disposition to use the information they learn in the study in everyday situations. Studying VCE Psychology enables students to develop their capacity to think, question and analyse psychological research and critically reflect on the findings of experiments and research. 


They are encouraged to use their problem-solving skills, including critical and creative thinking, to establish and articulate their understandings through their class discussions, practical work and written responses – all of which may help students to think deeply and critically about their own lives, manage life circumstances and reach personal goals.


Students who study VCE Psychology can consider a pathway within this discipline that can lead to a range of careers and roles that work with diverse populations and communities. Areas that registered psychologists may work in include clinical, developmental, educational, environmental, forensic, health, neuropsychology, sport and exercise, and organisational psychology.


Psychologists can also work in cross-disciplinary areas such as academia and research institutions, medical research, management and human resources, and government, corporate and private enterprises, or as part of ongoing or emergency support services in educational and institutional settings. Students exposed to the study of VCE Psychology recognise the diverse nature of the discipline and career opportunities within the field. 


These opportunities include careers and roles that do not involve being a registered psychologist, including roles in aged, family and child services; case managers; communications specialists; counsellors; community health and welfare roles; health services support roles; human resource specialists; managers; marketing and market research roles; office administration roles; policy and planning roles; probation and parole services roles; and social work and teaching roles.



The study is made up of four units, structured as a series of curriculum-framing questions that reflect the inquiry nature of the discipline:

Unit 1: How are behaviour and mental processes shaped?

Unit 2: How do internal and external factors influence behaviour and mental                                    processes?

Unit 3: How does experience affect behaviour and mental processes?

Unit 4: How is mental wellbeing supported and maintained?


Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. Each outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and is complemented by a set of key science skills.



There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3. Students must undertake Unit 3 prior to undertaking Unit 4.


Unit 1: How are Behaviour and Mental Processes Shaped?

In this unit students examine the complex nature of psychological development, including situations where psychological development may not occur as expected. Students examine the contribution that classical and contemporary knowledge from Western and non-Western societies, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, has made to an understanding of psychological development and to the development of psychological models and theories used to predict and explain the development of thoughts, emotions and behaviours. 


They investigate the structure and functioning of the human brain and the role it plays in mental processes and behaviour and explore brain plasticity and the influence that brain damage may have on a person’s psychological functioning.


A student-directed research investigation into contemporary psychological research is undertaken in Area of Study 3. The investigation involves the exploration of research, methodology and methods, as well as the application of critical and creative thinking to evaluate the validity of a research study by analysing secondary data. The investigation draws on the key science skills and key knowledge from Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2.


Unit 2: How Do External Factors Influence Behaviour and Metal Processes?

In this unit students evaluate the role social cognition plays in a person’s attitudes, perception of themselves and relationships with others. Students explore a variety of factors and contexts that can influence the behaviour of individuals and groups, recognising that different cultural groups have different experiences and values. Students are encouraged to consider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences within Australian society and how these experiences may affect psychological functioning. 


Students examine the contribution that classical and contemporary research has made to the understandings of human perception and why individuals and groups behave in specific ways. Students investigate how perception of stimuli enables a person to interact with the world around them and how their perception of stimuli can be distorted. 


A student-adapted or student-designed scientific investigation is undertaken in Area of Study 3. The investigation involves the generation of primary data and is related to internal and external factors that influence behaviour and mental processes. 


Unit 3: How does Experience affect Behaviour and Mental Processes?

In this unit students investigate the contribution that classical and contemporary research has made to the understanding of the functioning of the nervous system and to the understanding of biological, psychological and social factors that influence learning and memory. 


Students investigate how the human nervous system enables a person to interact with the world around them. They explore how stress may affect a person’s psychological functioning and consider stress as a psychobiological process, including emerging research into the relationship between the gut and the brain in psychological functioning.


Students investigate how mechanisms of learning and memory lead to the acquisition of knowledge and the development of new and changed behaviours. They consider models to explain learning and memory as well as the interconnectedness of brain regions involved in memory. The use of mnemonics to improve memory is explored, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ use of place as a repository of memory. 


A student-designed scientific investigation involving the generation of primary data related to mental processes and psychological functioning is undertaken in either Unit 3 or Unit 4, or across both Units 3 and 4, and is assessed in Unit 4 Outcome 3.


Unit 4: How Is Mental Wellbeing Supported and Maintained?

In this unit students explore the demand for sleep and the influences of sleep on mental wellbeing. They consider the biological mechanisms that regulate sleep and the relationship between rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep across the life span. They also study the impact that changes to a person’s sleep-wake cycle and sleep hygiene have on a person’s psychological functioning and consider the contribution that classical and contemporary research has made to the understanding of sleep. 


Students consider ways in which mental wellbeing may be defined and conceptualised, including social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) as a multidimensional and holistic framework to wellbeing. They explore the concept of mental wellbeing as a continuum and apply a biopsychosocial approach, as a scientific model, to understand specific phobia. They explore how mental wellbeing can be supported by considering the importance of biopsychosocial protective factors and cultural determinants as integral to the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 


A student-designed scientific investigation involving the generation of primary data related to mental processes and mental wellbeing is undertaken in either Unit 3 or Unit 4, or across both Units 3 and 4, and is assessed in Unit 4 Outcome 3.

A student practical investigation related to mental processes and psychological functioning is undertaken in either Unit 3 or Unit 4, or across both Units 3 and 4, and is assessed in Unit 4.



Satisfactory Completion

The award of satisfactory completion for a unit is based on a decision that the student has demonstrated achievement of the set of outcomes specified for the unit. This decision will be based on the teacher’s assessment of the student’s performance on assessment tasks designated for the unit.


Levels of Achievement

Units 1 and 2

Procedures for the assessment of levels of achievement in Units 1 and 2 are a matter for school decision.


Units 3 and 4

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority will supervise the assessment of all students undertaking Units 3 and 4 in School-assessed Coursework and an end of year exam.


Percentage contributions to the study score in VCE Psychology are as follows:

Unit 3 School-assessed Coursework: 20%

Unit 4 School-assessed Coursework: 30%

End-of-year examination: 50%