Year 12 Program

Choosing Your Program   

Choosing Your Program – Year 12

In Year 12, students usually concentrate on five subjects, studying each as a sequence of two Units (a 3/4 sequence).


What sort of subjects can I study?

In Year 12 you can study a combination of:

  • VCE 3/4 Units
  • VET
  • VCE VM
  • a University Enhancement subject
  • a Year 13 subject

University Enhancement Subjects

Students who have a strong interest and academic results in a subject may choose to apply to study a University Enhancement course that is offered by a University. These subjects may provide a 6th bonus score. Entry is determined by the University and based on previous VCE results.


What can I choose?

Year 12 students usually choose five subjects. Variations may be considered.


Are there any guidelines for me to follow?

We recommend you carefully consider the VCE Requirements to ensure you meet them. It is also important you consider the prerequisites for any tertiary studies you may be considering.


How do I decide what to include in my Program?

For many of you, choosing your program will be a simple process as you continue with the plan embarked upon in the previous year, or you may need to redefine plans and goals in light of your studies so far. Also, your interests, skills and personal values may have changed. It is really worth using the subject selection process to carefully consider your options.


What happens next?

Priority is given to Year 12 students when formulating the timetable grid within the subject selection process. If there are any issues with your selection we will contact you for counselling.


You will be given details of:

  • any changes to subject offerings
  • the information you need to supply
  • the subject selection form
  • the date your form must be returned