Year 11 Program

Choosing Your Program    Mathematics Guidelines

Choosing Your Program – Year 11

In Year 11, many students begin to focus their study towards their developing areas of interest, whilst still continuing to experiment.


What sort of subjects can I study?

In Year 11 you can study a combination of:

VCE 1/2 units              VCE 3/4 units              VET subjects               VCE VM


What can I choose?

Most students study 10 units of VCE or VET subjects.


This can be personalised, and you are encouraged to speak with the Careers Counsellor about your plans. Most of your subjects will be studied as two-unit sequences; this helps to build the skills and knowledge for 3/4 study. You may also take some single units to increase your range of subjects.


Are there any guidelines for me to follow?

We recommend some students take a VCE 3/4 and/or VET in Year II. This allows you to:

  • experience the study demands and assessment process of 3/4 study
  • include a 6th bonus subject in your program

It is important you consider any prerequisites for any tertiary studies you may be considering.


Please Note: That if a Year 11 student does not achieve a study score of 30 or more for their Unit 3/4 study, they will repeat that study in the following year. If a student obtains a study score of higher than 30 they may apply to only do 4 studies in Year 12 or will be required to pick up another subject. (Panel made up of level coordinators, sub school head, AP and curriculum coordinator will decide if a student is permitted to do only 4 studies).


Mathematics Guidelines

Choose the correct level of Mathematics. Maths is a sequential subject that builds skills, and changing the level of Maths you study during the year may be disruptive to your learning.

Please read the subject entries, look at your Maths Selection Test result and gain advice from your Maths teacher.


How do I decide what to include in my Program?

We recommend you:

  • read about the subjects on offer in the Senior School Curriculum section of this handbook
  • discuss your selection with your parents, friends and teachers
  • attend the VCE Information Evening
  • make use of the Career Counselling process

What happens next?

The subject selection process will be a little different to the process going into year 10. In Term 3 you will be asked to nominate subjects in priority order which you would like to do.

A basic timetable with blocks will be distributed to students, and you will be asked to then select the subjects you wish to do. It is therefore vital that you take every step in this process seriously because the timetable will be based on your selections.


Every effort will be made to include all your choices within the framework of the timetable grid. If there are any issues with your selection, we will contact you for counselling.


You will be given details of:

  • the date your form must be returned
  • any changes to subject offerings
  • the information you need to supply
  • the subject selection form