Glossary of terms

Academic: Theoretical learning which can provide a variety of skills and knowledge.
ATAR: Australian Tertiary Admission Rank. The overall ranking on a scale of zero to 99.95 that a student receives based on his/her Study Scores. The ATAR is calculated by VTAC and used by universities, TAFE institutes and independent tertiary colleges to select students for courses.
Macleod Graduation Certificate: An award given to all students who successfully complete Macleod graduation requirements at Year 12 level.
Macleod Subjects: Units of study at Year 10 accredited by Macleod College. You will acquire skills and knowledge preparing for VCE.
Pathway: The name given to education, training and Life Work options.
Prerequisite: A subject that must be completed before entry into another subject or course.
Primary Four: A combination of subjects used in the calculation of your ATAR score; an English, ESL or Literature, and your next best three results. These four subjects will be counted in full when your ATAR is calculated.
Scaling: An adjustment made to Study Scores by VTAC based on a statistical moderation process. ASBA Australian School Based Apprenticeship: A nationally accredited apprenticeship undertaken as part of your studies.
Semester: Two terms of study, a half-year.
Sequence: The combined study of Units 3 and 4.
Study Score: A score from zero to 50 which shows how a student performed in a VCE study, relative to all other students doing the same study. It is based on the student's results in school assessments and examinations.
TAFE Technical and Further Education: A training college offering courses designed for providing students with skills for employment.
Tertiary: Continuing education after completing Senior School through TAFE, University or Private College.
Unit: The amount of work allocated to complete a one semester length subject of study.
University: An educational institution offering degree courses usually requiring three or more years of study. These can be academic or vocational.
University Enhancement: A course of study accredited by a university for inclusion in the VCE as a 6th subject.
VCAA Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority: It administers the VCE.
VCE: Victorian Certificate of Education.
VCE Subjects: Subjects accredited by VCAA for study in the VCE program.
VCE VM: VCE – Vocational Major, new in 2023 replacing the old VCAL.
VET in the VCE subjects Vocational Education and Training. Certificate Courses available as part of the VCE.
Vocational: Practical learning directed towards a particular occupation and its skills.
VTAC Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre: administers the application and selection process of tertiary places within Victoria.