Important Dates

To be read on conjunction with the Compass calendar

Monday, 24th July - 11am - 7pm

Tuesday, 25th July - 9am - 1pm

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

Online via MS Teams

No classes will run onsite on either of the PTSC days. Teachers will assign independent tasks through Compass for students to complete from home.







Monday, 31st July to Wednesday, 2nd August

Year 7 Forest Edge Camp - Mirrim and Warin






Wednesday, 2nd August to Friday, 4th August

Year 7 Forest Edge Camp - Bulen-Bulen and Gwonawa


Friday, 11th August

Student Free Day

Teacher PD Day


Wednesday, 16th to Saturday, 19th August

Production Week - Matilda Jnr, The Musical

See Performing Arts News for more information.









Friday, 15th September

2.30pm dismissal