St James Executive Leadership 

Principal and Deputy Principal News 

Principal News


Dear Parents and Carers,


Over the past two weeks we have been busy at St James and not only attending to, but putting into action and living our school improvement priorities such as: 

  • Enhancing our Faith Community demonstrated through the preparation of the Year 4 students to receive the Eucharist,
  • Evidence based powerful teaching with the introduction of InitiaLit as a literacy program in all junior classes,
  • Empowering students as seen in our senior school STEM Mad showcase, and
  • Formation of self and others with staff attending professional development both onsite and offsite.

This week we celebrate Science Week.  Science Week is not just an event; it's a journey that encourages us to delve into the mysteries of the universe, unravel the complexities of the natural world, and appreciate the boundless potential of human creativity.  This annual occasion provides an opportunity for our students to engage with the wonders of science in meaningful and hands-on ways.


Throughout the week, our dedicated team of educators and special guest speakers will guide students through captivating experiments, interactive presentations, and thought-provoking discussions.  From the youngest minds taking their first steps into the world of science to our older students poised to embark on scientific careers, Science Week will inspire all to explore, question, and innovate.


Enterprise Agreement  - Time in Lieu for Staff


Like many professions in Australia, the staff in Catholic schools in Victoria are governed by an enterprise agreement that determines the pay and working conditions for employees working in our schools. A new award applying to most of the Catholic Dioceses in Victoria and impacting staff across most of the Catholic schools, including ours, which is now required to come into effect in all Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS).


The new agreement delivers several positive changes for both our dedicated staff and the overall functioning of our school, including improved pay and employment conditions. One key aspect of this agreement is the inclusion of new time-in-lieu provisions, which will enable our teachers and support staff to accumulate additional time off when they are required to work more than their regular 38 hours per week which might include overnight camps and supervision at evening and weekend activities.


This change is a recognition of the considerable extra work our teachers are asked to do and will enhance their work-life balance and well-being.  The introduction of this new award will have implications for every school governed by the award, including ours, recognising that the context and timetable for each school is slightly different.  For St James, in order to implement the new provisions for staff, we have designated the following days as Time in lieu. 


TIL School closure dates for this term:

  • Friday 15th September


COVID Safety -RAT Kits


A reminder that many of the RAT kits that were sent home earlier in the year have an expiry date of  AUGUST 2023, these will need to be disposed of.  The RAT Kits currently being distributed by the school have a JANUARY 2024 expiry. 



Before and After school care - NEW Provider


I’m happy to announce that St James has partnered with EXTEND Before and After school care.  Ensuring that the school has a structured program which we can offer our families is paramount.  Please see the School Community page for further information.  The new service will commence at the beginning of Term 4, 2023.



Big Thank You for the Remarkable Rockstar Trivia Night


Thank you to Virginia and Connie for orchestrating an incredible fundraising “Rockstar” Trivia Night. Your dedication, hard work, and enthusiasm were evident throughout the event and made it an unforgettable evening.  We also thank the entire St James Community for exemplifying the importance of community spirit and involvement. 



Eucharist  - Thank you


Last night as we gathered together as a school community, we were reminded of the profound gift God has given us in the Eucharist. This sacrament of Jesus’ love and presence holds a special place in our hearts and in the life of our school.  It was lovely to see all the families supporting their children on this very special occasion.  Thank you to Bec and Emma for preparing the students and to Fr Dean and all staff for presiding and assisting on the night.

Also a special thank you to Alisha and her amazing team of parents for organising a lovely First Euchartist lunch for the students. 


Eucharist Prayer

Lord Jesus, you taught us through your example the importance of coming together to share in a meal, to break bread in unity and love. In the Eucharist, we experience a spiritual nourishment that goes beyond the physical, filling us with your grace and strengthening our connection with you and with one another.


We reflect on the significance of this blessed sacrament in the lives of our students who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion. May their hearts be open to receiving you, Lord, and may they carry the reverence and awe of this moment throughout their lives.


As educators and mentors, we are called to guide these young hearts towards a deeper understanding of the Eucharist's meaning. Help us, dear Father, to convey the truth that the bread and wine, transformed into your body and blood, are not just symbols, but a real and abiding presence that nourishes our souls and sustains our faith.


May this awareness inspire us all to approach the Eucharist with hearts full of gratitude and humility. May it remind us of your sacrifice on the cross, your unconditional love, and the call to imitate your selfless giving in our daily lives.


Holy Spirit, guide us as we strive to create an environment where the Eucharist is not only celebrated but also lived out in our actions and interactions. May our school be a place of love, compassion, and unity, where the teachings of Jesus shine through in all that we do.


We entrust this school community to your care, O Lord, as we seek to grow in our appreciation of the Eucharist and in our commitment to living lives that reflect its transformative power. We ask for your blessings upon our students, our staff, and our families, that we may be a living testament to your grace.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we pray.





St James School Vision and School Priorities (Post Review)


Last year the school participated in our school review.  Following the review we received a report including recommendations for forward planning.  We have met as a Leadership team and in consultation with staff and MACS consultants have set our new school priorities for continuous improvement for the next four years.  (Please see the attached information).



Working With Children Checks

St James is a Child Safe School.  As part of our Child Safe practices and processes we are required to maintain up to date information of parents and volunteers who hold a current (Working With Children Check) and would like to assist with a school activity.


If you currently hold a WWCC and intend on helping out with school activities in the near or not too distant future, can you please fill in the attached Google Form.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact School Admin on 


Please update your information on the following WWCC Google Form  if you have renewed or attained your WWCC.


Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 



School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio 



Deputy Principal News


Hello Everyone,


Please find listed below key dates for the remainder of Term 3:

Term 3 Key Dates:

  • Monday 21st- Friday 25th August Book Week
  • Thursday 24th August- Stay and Play Session #4 9.15-10am in the library
  • Friday 25th August- Book Week Parade 9.30am
  • Friday 25th August Assembly #4 2.45pm in the hall
  • Friday 1st September- Fathers Day Breakfast in the Tilley Garden 8-8.14am
  • Friday 1st September- Holt Athletics Carnival (invited students only)
  • Thursday 7th September- Stay and Play Session #5 9.15-10am in the library
  • Thursday 7th September Assembly #5 @ 2.45pm in the hall
  • Friday 8th September School Closure day Term 4 Planning
  • *New Event* Tuesday 12th September 5pm- Music Soiree for individual music students and lead roles in Seussical 
  • Wednesday 13th September RUOK? Day
  • Thursday 14th September Footy Colours Day
  • Thursday 14th September end of term- regular school finish at 3:30pm

Emma Herbert and Georgia McNamara

Deputy Principals