100 Days of Prep!

Last Wednesday, the Prep class celebrated 100 days at school. The day's theme was '100 Days Smarter and 100 Years Old'. The children and teachers came dressed as 100-year-olds and participated in various activities at St Mary’s Aged Care Village! 


The day began with a parade to show off the fantastic costumes to the rest of the school and families. For Mathematics, the children used their counting skills to create Fruit Loop necklaces containing 100 beads. They also made predictions and tested these using balance scales to identify the lightest and heaviest bag of 100 objects that the children brought to school. During Literacy, the children wrote about what they can now do because they are 100 days smarter. 


During Inquiry, the children became creative with cut-out numbers for 100 and used the three digits to create unique pictures. They are displayed on the pin board near the Art Room.


All the children had a wonderful day; they especially enjoyed eating their celebration cookie.