Kempsey Clontarf Academy

Hello parents, carers, school staff & supporting partners of our amazing academy here at Kempsey. What a term it has been offering loads of fun and exciting camps, plenty of learning opportunities and challenges leading to self-growth within the academy. 

A highlight for our term was our well-being focused camp for Year 9 & 10 at South West Rocks with multiple boys on their first camp since Year 7. It was a great opportunity for our boys to connect with some local elders and academy staff, creating fantastic memories for all. Our Academy morning activities have been fantastic this term with a great bunch of boys weathering the cold to join us for fun games, a hot breakfast and a laugh. Our afternoon sessions are starting to get some traction with great numbers and variety to the sessions. 

The Kempsey Clontarf Academy would like to thank all the school staff and executive team for allowing us the freedom and support to do what we do each and every day with our young men & a special thank you to you amazing parents, careers and families for your continued support without you all we cannot operate.


Please enjoy our Term 2 Newsletter, which is packed with photos and interesting articles and loads of other useful information.


Joel Cooper