A message from     

 the Principal

In an effort to foster a more conducive learning environment and promote student well-being, the NSW Department of Education has announced the implementation of a mobile phone ban in schools starting from Term 4, 2023. This forward-thinking policy aims to create a focused and engaged educational atmosphere while addressing concerns related to excessive screen time and cyberbullying.


With the ubiquity of mobile devices in today's society, finding a balance between their advantages and potential drawbacks has become crucial, especially within educational settings. The decision to restrict mobile phone use during school hours underscores the commitment of the NSW Department of Education to prioritize student learning and emotional well-being.


The ban, which applies to students during school hours, is founded on extensive research highlighting the negative impact of constant digital distractions on cognitive development and academic performance. By limiting phone usage, the Department aims to encourage face-to-face interactions, reduce distractions, and improve overall concentration levels among students.


Additionally, the mobile phone ban aligns with the Department's dedication to combat cyberbullying and safeguard student mental health. By curtailing access to mobile devices, students will have fewer opportunities to engage in negative online behavior, thus contributing to the creation of a safer and more inclusive school environment.


It's important to note that this policy is not a prohibition of technology but rather a mindful restriction to ensure that technology serves as a tool for learning rather than a source of distraction. Teachers will continue to incorporate digital tools into lessons, emphasizing their educational value and responsible usage.


As the NSW Department of Education takes this significant step towards an enhanced learning experience, it encourages parents, teachers, and students to engage in an open dialogue about the benefits of reduced mobile phone usage. Together, we can foster an environment that nurtures focused learning, meaningful connections, and the overall well-being of our students.


KHS already no phones at school with the introduction of YONDR pouches in 2022. Students who need a replacement YONDR pouch will be given the opportunity to get a new one before term 4. 



Simon McKinney

Executive Principal