SACE Board

We Are More

The SACE Board is currently promoting its We Are More community campaign. By highlighting a collection of real stories of young South Australians, it aims to grow understanding of the value and impact of the development and formal recognition of student capabilities.


The SACE Board is currently working in partnership with a sample of schools to design a way to formally recognise students’ capabilities as part of the South Australian Certificate of Education. This is complex and transformative work that is expected to take several years to accomplish. Whilst Aberfoyle Park High School is not directly involved, we firmly endorse the SACE Board’s vision that students are more than grades, scores and the subjects they study. Each student is a unique individual with distinct skills, talents and capabilities able to become thriving learners, workers and citizens in our ever-changing world.


We encourage you as parents and caregivers to learn more about this future direction in education and engage with the young people in your life, about their distinct skills, talents and capabilities. The SACE Board’s We are more microsite includes further information including, but not limited to:

  • Why the SACE Board has embarked on this project.
  • Who stands to benefit from the development and formal recognition of student capabilities.
  • How universities and employers are contributing to the project.

We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and look forward to providing more information about how our school is developing capabilities in students and our plan to formally recognise them.