SACE Ensemble Night

Sarah Horne, Music Teacher

At the end of term 2, six year 12 soloists presented their second performance assessment and first live performance for the families and friends. Students showed off their skills presenting music from the Beatles, jazz classics from Duke Ellington and Kerin Bailey and classical style pieces Grave and Allegro, and El Negrito. 


Additionally, 90 students across years 7 to 12 participated in Aberfoyle Park High School extra-curricular ensembles, presenting a lively performance to families and friends, showcasing a variety of music.  Ensembles included the Big Band, Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, String Ensemble and Choir. Students have worked together through the year to learn their music ready for this performance, additionally this was the second formal assessment for the year 12 ensemble music students. 


It is always wonderful to see the hard work students put into their music learning as a final performance product and to see how student’s progress and gain confidence in their music skills every lesson.