Year 12 Wellbeing for Learning

Harmony Fenoughty, Year 12 Leader

Sharing skills & Knowledge

Over Week 8 & 9 of Term 2 Year 12 Wellbeing for Learning care group teachers were given the opportunity to share their knowledge and skills with the Year 12 cohort. Each teacher created a lesson around something they are passionate about and share this skill with the students. Students opted into a different workshop each of the weeks to learn some skills they can take with them as the exit school. The workshops included:

  • Car mechanics and changing a tyre
  • Cooking on a budget
  • At home workouts
  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Budgeting
  • Understanding the media and fake news
  • Gratitude
  • Creating motivational signs

The students were engaged and active in the sessions and we hope that they left with some skills they can take with them when they finish their schooling journey.