Year 10 Vocational Education Training (VET)

Kass Holmes, VET Leader

Year 10 Civil Construction Immersion

On Tuesday 16 May, 15 Year 10 students wanting to learn more about Civil Construction attended an excursion managed by Civil Train.


Students attending had an opportunity to see the industry in action using equipment whilst building roads and bridges in the Aldinga area.  Currently there are major civil building works including bridges and new roads being built to help the community travel easier and more safely. With the continuing growth down south, the traffic has significantly increased and to better assist traffic flow significant upgrades are taking place with single lanes being turned into double and bridges being built.


Students met with staff from various jobs such as engineer, human resource, architecture, and surveyor to learn more about how they contribute to the completion of the project. Each person discussed their contributions and what tasks they complete. They outlined their studying requirements and how they gained their qualifications. In addition they talked about their background and what led them to their current job, as not all these people went straight into their current position. 


Students were taken on a tour to see some of the work and tools that are used in the industry. Safety was a big part of the tour as students were given hard hats, earmuffs, steel capped boots and high vis jackets. The immersion tour was designed for students to gain a better understanding of civil work and what jobs and skills are required for working in this industry. Students were returned to school with a better understanding of some of the tasks and jobs in the civil construction industry.


Any student who would like to undertake a VET course in 2024, whether it be civil, plumbing, general construction, electrician, hairdressing, IT, engineering, hospitality, education, nursing or any other options available please contact me to discuss further.


If you are interested in gaining further information about VET courses, opportunities or learning more about the world of VET, please contact Kass Holmes the VET Leader on or ring the school on 8270 4455 to speak with her.