Wellbeing Week

Kris Duda, Student Voice Leader

During Week 9 Term 2, the wonderful Student Voice team hosted Wellbeing Week, five days of activities designed to promote different aspects of wellbeing across our school.


To kick things off, on Monday we had an assortment of large garden games setup outside the Middle School, helping everyone to meet lots of new people and have a great time. On Tuesday, things got a little more serious as we headed into the dance studio for a lunchtime yoga session. It was great to see everyone being so enthusiastic, even though trying to balance in tree pose was quite an interesting experience. 


Wednesday saw the Student Voice team move activities onto the Senior Floor to focus on mental health. Origami, Kahoots, Monopoly and countless other board games were available for students from all year levels to enjoy, whilst listening to calming music. A highlight of the day was watching a very intense Year 12 Monopoly game. On Thursday, it was back to the Senior Floor to just chill out while having a good time listening to some very groovy ABBA music, play more board games and eat snacks.  Finally, Friday was reserved for Physical Health, accomplished by teaming up with Breakfast Club to provide delicious food options for students. 


Thanks to everyone that came along to take part in Wellbeing Week, and we hope to see you join in again next year! Additionally, if you have any suggestions for improvements to any following iterations of Wellbeing Week, don’t hesitate to email Ms Hannaford at jules.hannaford819@schools.sa.edu.au