Year 3
Steph Archbold and Cara Hine
Year 3
Steph Archbold and Cara Hine
In our Health and Physical Education inquiry unit, we have been looking at the food groups and discussing making choices. Alongside this work we have been looking at making choices as part of our R.E. curriculum which has led to some engaging and thoughtful discussions. The Grade 3's have also been enjoying our cooking sessions. We started with pizza which was heaps of fun!
Next cooking session coming up on Monday 7 August!We have begun a new Mathematics unit all about angles. We started off by finding right angles in our built environment.
The other aspect of our Mathematics work is building our skills in using mental math strategies. We have been discussing how to use something we already know to work out something we do not know.
Our English sessions so far this term have focused on procedural texts and we are aiming to complete our very own recipe book by the end of the term! We have also been exploring contractions and modal verbs.