St Mary’s P&F News

Term 3-Student Special Lunch Days

*Week 6-Friday 18th August: Sausage sizzle provided by the p&f!

Sushi will still be available to order on this day for those students who would prefer sushi.

*Week 10-Friday 15th September (final day of term 3): Soup day!

Please byo soup mug and spoon. Gold coin donation to the p&f.

Casual clothes-wear you footy colours or favourite sport colours.

Sushi will still be available to order on this day for those students who would prefer sushi.

P&F Positions for 2023

Treasurer: Krystal Burnett

Co-Secretary’s: Clare Grainger & Robyn Dimopolous

President: Clare Grainger

We are very keen for new parents & carers to join the p&f committee!

Come along to our next meeting on Wednesday 9th August at 2pm at school.

All very welcome!








Toast is available each morning between 8:30am-8:50am for those students who would like a piece before they begin their learning.

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who enable this to happen!

If you would like to volunteer, please let Clare, Jo or Krystal in the office know!







Friday Sushi Lunch Orders-Lunch Box Sushi Castlemaine


Sushi is available to be ordered for school lunch each Friday. Orders need to be placed and paid for online via the school lunch online website prior to 5pm each Thursday.


Second Hand School Uniforms

Second hand school uniforms are available at school if you are in need of any items.

If you have any good quality second hand items that you are happy to donate, please bring them along to the school office. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has donated items-it is very much appreciated!


Parents of St Mary’s Facebook Page

Join our Parents of St Mary’s Facebook page-a handy method of communication among our school community!


Class Parent/Carer Representative

We are seeking one or two (could be a shared role) parent/carer representatives for each classroom.

This will be a contact person for information regarding the class.

If you would like to fill this role, please leave your name and number at the school office. Thank you!


Ladies Catch Up\

It was lovely catching up for dinner last Friday with some of the ladies in our school community!

Stay tuned for our next catch up later this term-a breakfast gathering!


Men’s Catch Up

Dinner at The Railway Hotel on Friday 11th August at 6:30pm. All welcome!

Join for dinner, dessert &/or a drink and catch up!

Please RSVP Clare on 0422070372.


Next P&F Meeting

Our next St Mary’s P&F meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th August at 2pm.

Please meet at the school office.

All welcome!



The next school assembly will be on Friday 4th August at 2:40pm in the library.

A lovely opportunity to see what our children have been learning!