Key Dates, Times & Reminders

Upcoming Key Dates
Term 3
7-11 August
School Production
30 August (regular classes not running)
Years 7 & 8 Student Led Conferences
Years 11 & 12 Parent Teacher Interviews
8 September
Year 10 Formal
15 September
Last Day of Term 3
Term 4
2 October
First Day of Term 4
Monday 6 November
Curriculum Day - Day before Melbourne Cup Day on Tuesday 7 November
4 December (regular classes not running)
Report Writing Day
5-20 December
Year 7-9 End of Year Program. See Compass events for further details.
12 December (regular classes not running)
Student Free Day (excepting student helpers) for Grade 6 Transition Day
Note: the online Compass calendar has more detailed information about upcoming events and activities; please be sure to refer to that calendar on a regular basis.
Supervision Times
Our hours of operation on a regular school day include before school yard supervision from 8.45-9am, and bus stop supervision until 3.45pm. For any additional times outside these hours such as Breakfast Club and Homework Club, please refer to Compass for updates.