Year 11 Camp

Year 11 Head Start Camp
The year 11 head start camp was held from Monday 17 July to Wednesday 19 July at The Summit. 141 students and 15 staff attended and braved the winter weather. The camp experience was designed to:
- Build relationships between students who previously did not have a connection
- Generate a broad sense of cohort (year level) cohesion and most importantly of all;
- Supported students to build their individual resilience.
As part of the CHS Strategic Plan, we have a strong focus on improving the resilience and wellbeing of all students by: increasing students’ self-management, confidence and resilience, and; providing activities that support the mental and physical health, wellbeing, inclusion and engagement of all students Pleasingly, the year 11 team very saw the camp as meeting these objectives.
The year 11 team are also incredibly grateful for all staff who attended: Angela Cooper, Andrew Nolan, Aaron Zampicelli, Chris Sanding, David Snaddon, Emma-Jane Hogan, Abbey Lanyon, Eve Lamb, Edward Schellander, Jillian McGinley, James Phillips, Olivia Stray, Lyn Camilleri, Kathleen Gallea (pre-service teacher) and Lydia Burns.
At the end of camp, each tribe member had the opportunity to vote for an activity group member who has demonstrated the key philosophies of the camp. Congratulations to the following people: Irene, Logn, Vishal, Sienna, Lukas, David, Charlie, Edan, Pepper, and Jaxon.
We asked our year 11 Student Voice Leaders to sum up their experience and reflections on the camp below.
Student Voice Leader reflections
JPH: It was fantastic to get to go on camp with this incredible group of students. I was so impressed with how many of you were willing to push yourselves out of your comfort zone. The giant obstacle course was my personal highlight. When I saw the weather forecast I was worried that no one would do it. To see almost everyone have a go, not once but twice, in such foul weather was really inspiring. Great work everyone.
GMIC’s (Great Moments In Camp) - one of the highlights of the experience at The Summit was sharing GMIC’s. Here are some of the GMIC’s we didn’t a chance to share on the last day.
- I’m giving the GMIC award to Riley S for gunning through every activity like a champ, keep thrashing, from Birdman
- To Jibreel, For Staying Positive
- Irene, for being such an enthusiastic team player- you were ace!
- Roman, for being a champ through all the activities
- Tilda, for being an abseiling KWEEN!
- Angelo, for helping with clean up and always being so positive. You made camp a great place. Liv 🙂
- To Jaxon, You were amazing with supporting our team to get through the mud run. Couldn’t have done it without you. From Liv and Abbey
- Klejdi, Well done on never giving up on the sky bridge. From Liv and Abbey
- Riley S, for your positivity and Kindness throughout camp
- Scarlet C, Great work in all activities today! You got smashed around time and time again but you kept getting back up and pushing through. Super impressive.
- Ella, Great work in knowing what you need and communicating it with your teachers. It was great to see you giving so many things a go
- Jacob W. Great work going through the obstacles. You really pushed yourself. Excellent work.
- Angelo. Going above and beyond during clean up, picking up others’ plates and doing what needs to be done. This is model behaviour.
- Lily. Huge effort on the obstacle course. I know you were unsure about it, but so impressed you gave it a go.
- Stephanie B. Great to see you getting involved and for being a part of the monster course
- Will D. Awesome work on the giant swing. You led every single pulling team to get all your teammates to the top.
- Pepper. You have been such a star all camp. Awesome leadership for the group, never complaining and having a go at everything
- Eva. Great work making an attempt at so many things over the camp
- Jacob S. Great work taking part in the obstacles on the second run around. Very proud of the effort to get in the water.
- Emma. Great job being the first person to make the leap of faith and stretching yourself in so many activities, even if they were really cold.
- Caitlyn H. Great effort joining our group and giving it your all!
- Seb S. Fantastic work giving the monster course a go and even popping your phone away to do so.
- To Will A, For helping everyone get through the obstacle course and getting your hands muddy in the process
- To Edan B, For getting his feet wet in the cold water to help his teammates. Thanks dude. From Wes Anderson
- To David, for holding a snake even when you were scared
- To Will A, Thanks for pushing our group across the swing and helping us finish
- Ali, For bringing the vibes in the push up competition. You win, Liv 🙂
- I would like to acknowledge Rune Britz, who started the birthday cheer for Edward. I thought it displayed the CHS value of community, as it brought everyone together
- Jaxon, Your positivity, support and leadership throughout camp has been so amazing! I’m so proud! Liv 🙂
- Catherine, You have shown such resilience this camp. I am SO proud of you. Liv 🙂
- Layla, You scored the match winner in inflatable soccer match. What a champion!
- To Edan, Thank you so much for sacrificing your feet to help us across the log. You’re awesome! From Izzy and Willow.
- Willow: You’re a great example of how to experience camp to the fullet- and with a smile!
- Edan= legendary status. Optimist. Leader. Friend.
- Edan! You were the most supportive, motivational, and inspiring member of our group. No matter the mood, weather, exhaustion, you always had encouraging words for others. Legendary status achieved.
- Poppy! You wanted to switch groups. Despite other students joining and/or leaving our group you stayed and were a cohesive member of group 8. Would not have been the same without you.
- To Eden, Thanks for being awesome and helping everyone across the water so we don’t fall in. 🙂
- For Tilda, For sticking with the group the whole mud run
- Stella G, Your sass gives me energy! Keep kweening 🙂
- Matilda D, always giving activities a red hot crack.
- Karl, For giving everything a go!
- Stef H, For consistently striving to improve mind, body & spirit!
- Angus T, For being an amazing team member!!
- David, Thanks for jumping into freezing cold water on Snowy River to help us across.
- David, For somehow being energetic the entire mud run.
- Mia, For not abandoning us on the mud run and using humour to keep spirits up.
- EJ, Thanks for helping everyone across the Snowy River after you fell in. Karl
- Patrick, For pushing yourself in the challenge yesterday, you gave it everything you have! Liv & Abbey 🙂
- Mia G, You’ve been such a supportive friend and given everything a go. You’re a star! Liv 🙂
- Max, for pulling everyone up during the course out of the water
- Louca, You showed such resilience and determination on the Sky Bridge. We were so proud of you for getting through that. Liv & Abbey 🙂
- Lucinda, You have done absolutely every activity like a champion! So impressed with you.
- Owen, You were an absolute beast on the inflatable activity! Dominated the soccer and smashed the course record on the obstacle course.
- Pablo, Your amazing attitude & positivity.
- David, For supporting Hogans Heroes throughout all challenges 🙂
- Luke G, Amazing work cheering on our team yesterday, high fiving others and bringing good vibes! (And for giving the summit window a go!) Liv & abbey 🙂
- Ned & Liam, For supporting our group through the challenge yesterday and not leaving! Liv & Abbey:)
- Alyaa, For pushing beyond your limits this camp! I’m so proud of you. Liv & Abbey 🙂
- Percy, For showing excellent resilience and determination on the Sky Bridge. Epic Effort!
- Issy C, For making everything look easy!
- Bessie, For pursuing in the mud run even when injured. Thanks Secret Admirer
- Xavier, You’re a team player who always checks in on the wellbeing of others.
- Evie, For swimming in mud, you continue to inspire us everyday #Mud Queen
- I saw Angelo push through being uncomfortable. It motivated me to keep going.
- Team Batman, For going all in on the mud run. I’m so proud of you!
- Mary G, Thanks for encouraging us to participate in the mud course, even though we were cold and muddy after seeing you put a smile on our face.
- To everyone else in my cabin #5 who braved the mud run. You all are really strong!:)
- Xavier, Next level leadership skills
- Miles, You stepped up and out of your comfort zone!
- Izzy, So glad you joined our group-added value!
- Emily, You always put in your best efforts with no complaints! You’re a great friend and so fun to be around.
- Alexandra, Thanks for stepping up and setting a positive can-do tone for everyone!
- Thanks to Jaquave group 3, for being a good motivator to the group
- Archie B displayed exquisite effort and slayed ALL activities!
- Riley S, Thanks for having so many pockets to store my stuff from Cooper S
- Finn, Despite feeling unwell in the morning, you presented and managed to complete many challenging tasks.
- Vishal, You showed great persistence on the sky bridge.
- Kiera, For giving the Leap of Faith a go-very impressive! And for supporting Kiam to do the same!:)
- Aiden, For putting up your hand to do the Leap of Faith first! Very impressive!
- Shout out to Karl, For being the first person to get to the top of the Summit Window!
- Bessie, For giving things a go even though she wasn’t comfortable and giving support to everyone.
- Riley, For showing respect and leading peers in active listening to camp staff.
- Keeley T, For an impressive 15 laps of the nails. Great mental toughness!
- Zain, For pushing past some reluctant to climb to the top of the tower.
- Archie B, It was great to see you care for this beautiful environment and pick up rubbish that wasn’t yours!
- David, For being a legend & leading the giant swing!
- Lukas T, Proud of you for the engagement in our Snow River activity. Stood out as a solid leader mate!!
- Billy B, For smashing through some initial fear to hold a snake by yourself.
- For 20 laps of the nails barefoot. Great job Noah Evans!
- Liam, For giving the leap of faith a go - very impressive! For supporting Kieia to do the same! :)
- Louca, Great work cheering everyone on today! You were a great support! Liv & Abbey 🙂
- Lily M, Fantastic effort on the Rope Bridge! You kept pushing through even when you fell down. So impressive
- Mary-Grace, Great work on the Rope Bridge. You pushed through some serious pain to finish.
- Pepper, Great job celebrating your team mates success at the Rope Bridge. You ran all the way around to say well done.
- Ali, Scaling the Leap of Faith & rock climbing in crocs-even if they were in sports. Made!
- Riley and Kai, Great job on jumping up to be the first of the Sky bridge and smashing it!
- Thomas V, Always jumping at challenges and lending a hand when needed.
- Dante, For choosing not to abandon the best team and encouraging others during difficult parts of the mud run.
- Claire P, I don’t think anyone can contain the positive energy you bring to the group. During the race activities and free time you are always giving it 100%. Great stuff!!
- Tilly, Good work keeping us updated about your needs and scaling the rock wall so quickly and with grace even though it was raining.
- Sienna, You absolute gun in supporting everyone and being so very positive throughout even when wet and cold.
- Bessie, MUP for not only pushing herself to do the leap of faith and working with her fears, but also completing the monster course after being trampled, battered and bruised and assisting everyone to complete the course.
- Joe DP, You have brought a smile to every interaction I’ve had with you this camp. Thank you :) Liv
- Jonah providing a good example of how to tackle problems
- Logan: Leading from the front!
- Marie for giving it your all and doing things in a cool, calm, collected manner
- Nelly and Evie going out of your comfort zone to swim the pond
- Jude, an excellent role model with inner strength
- Hats off to Ikhlas for perseverance with the rope ladder. Keep at it!
- To Jo D. Such a good hype-man!
- Dexter, you’ve got a great dry sense of humour
- Cooper, you’re good at supporting others and helping people reach new goals
- Riley B, low key solid supporter and always good for banter
- Armaan the way you push yourself and give everything a go is admirable
- Saskia: Looking out for others and encouraging them to go a bit further
- Yusuf: Really impressed with you giving everything a go and being really reliable
- Angus: Giving everything a go, supporting your team and being very dependable
- To all of group 7, for their cooperation, teamwork and for looking out for each other during the monster run. What a team!!
- To Charlie, group 7, for her enthusiasm, spirit and smile on her face during her activities, all the time willing to give it a go!! Well done.
- Ari T- you were so encouraging to others throughout our activities today, calling out ways to help overcome obstacles and being an overall supportive model. I appreciate your efforts 🙂
- To Warsame, group 7, for persisting in crossing the water after he fell in on the Snowy Mountain activity. He was inspirational.
- To Lynette, for her bravery in interacting with the snake despite her fear of them
- Frank M- Well done on being a very supportive and reliable team player. Always has his hand up to hold the rope for others and never complains. It’s no wonder people look up to you, and not just figuratively.
- Mackenzie- Absolute gun during the monster course after being tipped at the beginning and pushing through.
- Alia- Great work maintaining your composure after being the first one to get wet during the Snowy River challenge and still completing the course
- Charlie T- You’ve done such a great job trying everything on camp and pushing past your comfort zone
- Ben L- Great work pushing past your clothing concerns and getting wet during the monster course
- Stef B- Well done today pushing past concerns and engaging fully in the lazer skirmish. ZAP!
- Jack- Well done for not only giving everything a real go, but for making 27 trips across the nail board
- Neo- great work doing all the high tasks with such confidence