Careers and VET

Work Experience, TAFE and Workplace Learning Applications, Transition Planning and Casual Employment Opportunities

Work Experience 

Our Year 10 Career and Enterprise students successfully completed their first week long work experience during Week 1, with some students being offered part time jobs!


Students were given the opportunity to gain experience in a wide range of industries including research, specialised trades, aviation, retail, health, education, childcare, finance and administration, IT and hospitality. Our Work Preparation Team would like to thank all the businesses and workplaces that supported our students.

The Year 10 Career and Enterprise students will complete a second week long work experience opportunity in Term 4. For more information, contact Monica Stirling (


Mrs M Stirling

(Director of VET)

Year 10 and 11 Students

Subject Selection has now concluded which means it is time to prepare those TAFE and Workplace Learning Applications. 


Workplace Learning

For any student that selected Career and Enterprise, you will receive a SEQTA Direqt Message with your Workplace Learning Application soon.


External TAFE Courses

Year 10 students received an information pack at their Subject Selection Meetings on Monday 24 July. Spare copies are available from the Careers Centre. This provides details about how to apply for relevant TAFE courses.  


All students can access a summary of the application procedures here:



If you would like assistance with your application, please visit the Careers Centre at recess or lunch.  Please come prepared with all documentation listed in the below checklist.


Year 12 Students

As the end of the year draws close, it is time to start planning for your transition beyond St Norbert College.  All Year 12 students will participate in a Transition Planning meeting at the Careers Centre, commencing in Week 5. Individual appointments will be sent out to students shortly.

Casual Employment Opportunities

There are currently vacancies advertised for Guzman Y Gomez and holiday work at Campion Education.  As well as School Based Traineeships with the Public Sector and Leisure Australia Employment (current Year 10 students can apply for these SBTs).


More information about vacancies can be found here:


Careers Calendar

There are still lots of career events and information sessions being held by training providers and industry groups.  You can check out the Careers Calendar here:



Mrs K Gonsalves

(Head of Careers and Transitions)

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