Religious Education News 

Sacramental Weekend

This weekend we have 15 children in Years 3 and older making their Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. We pray for them all as they celebrate this special occasion and  become fully initiated members of the Catholic faith.


Bread Baking Day

Tomorrow the students celebrating their sacraments will spend the day with Tanya and Jayne to prepare. This will include attending Mass at 10am with the St. Mary’s Parish community and then having a session with Father Michael to practise the celebration day. They will taste the host/bread and learn where to stand for each section of the Mass. When they return to school they will bake bread (flat bread) and learn more about the prayers we say in Mass.


Mary McKillop

The 8th of August is the Feast of St. Mary MacKillop, Australia’s first Saint. Mary McKillop was born in 1842 in Fitzroy and was the eldest of 8 children.  Mary began her life as a nun at 25 years of age and was also a teacher. She was passionate about education and worked to bring education to the poor in and around South West Victoria and South Australia, including Penola and Portland. She  founded the St. Joseph’s sisters, an order that still exists today. The Sisters of St. Joseph continue to work predominantly to raise funds and support the people of East Timor.


The Assumption of Mary

August 15th is the date of the Assumption of Mary and is celebrated world wide. Mary is the mother of Jesus and is a role-model for us in our school.

The Catholic Church teaches that the Virgin Mary "having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory." 


Prayer Gathering

Tomorrow Jade’s Grade 5 class will lead us in prayer at the church with a focus on St Mary MacKillop - Australia’s First Saint.

On Friday 18th of August Maegen’s Grade 6 class will lead us in Prayer focusing on Mary our Mother and the Feast of the Assumption.


Jayne Brumby      

Tanya Stewart