Principal's Update 

Dear Parents and Carers,


On Tuesday 8 th August we celebrated the feast of Mary Mackillop.


Saint Mary MacKillop (also called Saint Mary of the Cross) was a Catholic nun andthe first Australian canonised by the Catholic Church. The church declared her asaint in October 2010. She was committed to helping the poor and would help thosein need whenever she could. Mary was very active throughout Australia inestablishing schools and welfare institutions through the founding of the Josephites;Australia's first order of Nuns that were also known as the Sisters of St. Joseph ofthe Sacred Heart.


My very first teaching job was way back in 1994 at Sacred Heart College in Hobart, Tasmania. Sacred Heart was a Josephite school and the principal was a Sister of St.Joseph. There were also other Josephite Nuns teaching throughout the school. I have very fond memories of my first teaching experience and the spirit of MaryMackillop was present and alive in the culture of the school. My first teaching experience at Sacred Heart certainly had a profound influence on who I am as an educator and principal today.


Mary MacKillop's inspirational quote from 1907 that she wrote to the Sisters isperfectly mirrored to the events of today:


We must let no obstacles deter us from proceeding with courage in the path marked out for us. It may sometimes be dark and full of windings, but a beautiful bright light shines at the end of this path and a few more windings will bring us to it.


Dear God,


You inspired Saint Mary Mackillop to live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and constant in bringing hope and encouragement to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy.


We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit so that we too,like Mary Mackillop, may live with courage, trust and openness.


We ask this through Jesus Christ,




Eucharist and Confirmation


This Saturday night and Sunday morning, children from Grade 3 will be receiving the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. The children have been working

extremely hard both at home, school and at weekend Masses in preparation for this important time in their lives. Tomorrow, they will attend 10am Mass and participate in a “Preparation Day” at school. Families have nominated their preferred weekend Mass, and staff from both schools will be attending. We pray for all the children as they continue their life long journey in faith.


Lord Jesus Christ, in the Sacraments of 

Eucharist and Confirmation You give us your limitless love. 

Thank You for giving our children the opportunity to experience this love in receiving the Sacraments for the first time.

May your Eucharist presence keep them strong in faith through the gift of the

Holy Spirit.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


Wheels on Wednesdays


Last Wednesday we commenced out Term 3 Wheels on Wednesdays. This is an initiative we have been doing for 4 years now to help engage our children and promote active, healthy lifestyles. Permission to participate can be accessed on the PAM.


School Crossing

A gentle reminder that it is very important that parking signs at the school crossing are adhered to. We have noticed quite a few cars parking illegally in recent weeks. Your cooperation and diligence in this important matter is appreciated.


Mobile Phones / Apple Watches

Another reminder that if children are bringing a mobile phone to school it is to behanded into the office at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of the day. We have also noticed a number of children wearing Apple Watches. If they have the functionality to make calls, we ask that they are put on aeroplane or school mode during the school day. As these devices are becoming more prevalent, it is important that we get expected protocols in place.


Enjoy the rest of your week.

Michael Mahoney (Principal)







