Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Principal's Report

Dear Families & Carers,


We have had a few frosty starts to our mornings but this has encouraged the sunshine later in the day! Just a reminder, when the temperatures are low children are expected to wear their jumpers so please send them along. I know the kids warm up in the classrooms but first thing in the morning, especially on our frosty mornings, jumpers are a must. 


Parent/Teacher Interviews are all organised for next week! There are plenty of appointment times available so please follow the directions on the next page. Meeting with the classroom teacher is a great opportunity to explore just how you can help your child at home with their learning. 


Road Safety Reminder


We have had a few reports from concerned teachers and parents around some of our walkers and bike riders after school. Road safety is something we are all responsible for so we have included some helpful tips to revisit this topic at home. 


We are also all responsible for modelling good practice, before and after school. If you are picking up your child from White Street from the opposite side of the road, we ask that you cross over to the teacher, collect your child and safely cross back. This is something very simple to do to protect your child crossing the road. 


Road safety reminders for kids are essential to ensure they understand and practice safe habits while walking, biking, or being near roads. Here are some simple and important reminders for children:


Stop, Look, and Listen: Before crossing the road, always stop at the curb, look left, right, and left again for any approaching vehicles, and listen for sounds of oncoming traffic.


Cross at Crosswalks: Use designated crosswalks and pedestrian crossings whenever possible. Wait for the pedestrian signal to indicate it's safe to cross.


Walk, Don't Run: Always walk on the paths. If there is no path, walk facing traffic so you can see vehicles coming towards you.


Hold Hands: If you are walking with an adult, always hold their hand while crossing the road or walking in busy areas.


Wear Bright Colours: When walking or biking, wear bright and reflective clothing to be easily seen by drivers, especially in low-light conditions.


Use Helmets: Always wear a helmet when riding a bike, scooter, or skateboard. Helmets protect your head and can prevent serious injuries in case of accidents.


Avoid Distractions: Don't use electronic devices or wear headphones while walking or biking near roads. Stay focused on the surroundings.


Look out for Cars Backing Up: Be careful around parked cars, and look out for any signs that a car might be reversing.


Obey Traffic Signals: If you are biking, follow the same traffic rules as cars. Stop at red lights and at stop signs.


Stay with a Group: If walking to school or around the neighbourhood, it's safer to walk with friends or in a group.


Report Unsafe Behaviour: If you see any unsafe behaviour on the road, inform a trusted adult or teacher.


Reinforcing these road safety reminders regularly with children and leading by example will help them develop responsible road habits and stay safe when navigating the streets.


Also during our Assembly on Monday we celebrated our 'Student of the Week' for each classroom. Congratulations to the following students;


Foundation: Rhyland

Grade 1/2NH: Jordan

Grade 3/4WY: Brody

Grade 4/5G: Cadel

Grade 5/6G: Danielle



Our Class DoJo raffle winner this week was also announced. Congratulations to Ella in Grade 1/2BH for taking out the win. 


Also, just a reminder from Brigid Malcolm...if you are looking to have your Grade 3 child participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation this year, please return the forms that were sent home last week or give the school a call. 





Cassie Lynch