
Amanda McMahon

From Monday 31 July 2023 you will be able to submit your application for tertiary courses. The deadline for timely applications is 5.00 pm, Thursday 28 September 2023. Special consideration (SEAS) and scholarship applications close on 6 October 2023 (5pm). Find all deadlines on the VTAC important dates pages. 

Deadlines and fees

The cost of the application processing fee depends on when you submit your application. There are no additional fees for submitting a SEAS or scholarships application or for changing your preferences.

Timely applications

Fee $55 for current Year 12 students Application deadline 28 September 2023 (5.00 pm).

Late applications

Fee $140 Deadline 3 November 2023 (5.00 pm).

Very late applications

Fee $180 Deadline 1 December 2023 (5.00 pm)

You can also download the VTAC Quick Reference Guide for Year 12 Students 

Deciding on a course 

Deciding on which courses to apply to is up to you. Other people might want to tell you what to choose, but ultimately you need to be happy with the decisions you make.

When you apply for courses you are given the opportunity to select eight courses to be considered for. You need to list them in order of preference, because you can only receive an offer for one course in each offer round. If you receive an offer, it will be for the highest preference that wishes to make you an offer.

This is why it is important to get your preference list in order. But how do you decide on what to put on your preference list?

Create your course criteria

Work out what you want in a course. Here are some example course criteria:

  • I meet the prerequisites and other requirements.
  • It appeals to my interests.
  • It appeals to my strengths.
  • It leads to a career that interests me.
  • It will teach me knowledge I want to know.
  • It will teach me skills and competencies I want to learn.
  • The institution offers me extra opportunities I want to pursue (e.g. overseas exchange, student theatre, work-integrated learning, sporting clubs).
  • I can get there easily.
  • The teaching style suits my needs.
  • It offers the support services I need (e.g. disability support, numeracy support, counselling, mentoring).
  • I feel comfortable on campus.
  • The costs are manageable.
  • It provides the qualifications I need.
  • It provides the pathway I need to another course.
  • I am confident I will be offered a place.

Create a course shortlist

If you've gone through a list of courses and find a course you are interested in, you can add it to your favourites by clicking on the 'heart' button next to the course name. This saves the course in your browser. To view, email or remove courses from your favourites list click on “View Favourites' found on the top right hand of the page.



What is SEAS?

The Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) is designed to make sure institutions get a sense of your full potential if you have experienced difficulty during your education. It enables institutions to consider these circumstances and their impact when ranking eligible applicants for a course before making offers. SEAS also addresses the under-representation of certain demographics in some courses.

What SEAS is not

SEAS does not change your educational results or qualifications. And if you are granted special consideration it does not guarantee you an offer. If you apply for SEAS, you still need to meet the ‘essential requirements' and ‘admission criteria' for a course, including prerequisite studies.

SEAS categories

There are four categories in SEAS. You can apply for all the categories that are relevant to your situation, so long as you apply to each category for a different reason.

If you have any questions or need assistance with VTAC or SEAS please see Amanda McMahon in Careers located in the library or email 


Amanda McMahon

Carrers and Assistant Y11 Manager