Student Achievement

Daryl Bennett

Swinburne Senior Secondary College student Mae Czechowski received top honours this week for their outstanding VCE results in 2022. 


Mae received a Premier’s VCE Award for excellence in Art, making them one of the top Art students in the state.  


“It‘s really fulfilling to not just do something for a score but instead do something as a self-exploration” said  Mae, who is now studying at the Victorian College of the Arts (Melbourne University). 


Swinburne Senior Secondary College principal Daryl Bennett said the entire school community was proud of Mae. 


“We are delighted for Mae with the acknowledgement of her success in Art at Swinburne Senior Secondary College. Her work as a young artist is outstanding. This is an excellent example of the sophistication of the work of Swinburne Senior Secondary College students and an endorsement of the depth and breadth of our creative art program, its teachers, and our students. The creative arts continue to be an area of focus and excellence for the school’.


300 of Victoria’s brightest students were recognised by this year’s Premier’s VCE Awards.


To view the full Honour Roll and to read more about the Premier’s VCE Awards, visit: