Director of Students 

Darren Beks 

Parents and Guardians should note the following uniform information:



The Monivae College uniform policy states:

Students’ hair should be of one natural looking colour worn in a neat conventional style

There are to be no extreme styles or presentation of hair

Girls with long hair (below the shoulder) need to have it tied back fully in a way that it is out of their eyes and face.

Only maroon, navy and white ribbons are acceptable

Boys should ensure that they have hair cut in a way that it is out of their eyes and above the collar. Clipped hair must not be shorter than a number 2.

Continued non-compliance may result in a student not being permitted to attend school until the guidelines are met.

Note: Mullets, undercutting and a combination of both are not acceptable.


Sport Jackets

The Monivae College Spicer jacket (as sold by Accurate Clothing) is an optional component of the Physical Education and Sport uniform only. This uniform item is currently being reviewed so retail supplies may be limited.



The Monivae College uniform policy state:

Girls may wear one plain silver or gold stud sleeper in the lobe of each ear.

Facial piercings are not permitted

A blitz on excess jewellery is currently underway, with extra items confiscated by staff. These will be returned at the conclusion of Term 3.

Note: Consideration of girls being permitted to wear a small (4-6mm) white pearl earring is underway, with a group of Year 11 students pro-active and responsible in seeking approval from the College Leadership Team. An update will be posted once a decision is confirmed. 


Track Pants

The Monivae College track pant will be reviewed in Term 4, with more suitable options being explored in conjunction with Accurate Clothing.


Darren Beks

Director of Students