Principals Report 

Jonathan Rowe 

Dear Parents and Guardians,


As we continue into the second week of this term and with the ever changing restrictions of COVID-19, we are all reminded of how fortunate we are living in this wonderful region and that face-to-face learning has continued at Monivae.


I would like to commend all students on the way they have carried themselves on their return to school last week. It has been evident that students have shown concern, great respect and care for each other and their teachers here at school. 


In the last week we have seen two secondary schools in the Ballarat Diocese be confronted with the reality of a student affected by this pandemic. It is a timely reminder to us all that COVID-19 is not confined to Melbourne and we as a community need to continue to look after the wellbeing of all by following the Government’s advice and recommendations. 


I can assure you, Monivae continues to be vigilant and proactive with robust protocols and processes in place to ensure the safety of all. 


While school attendance has been good over the past week, I would take this opportunity to thank parents who have been discerning in their decisions around the need for students to stay at home from school when they are unwell. I thank parents also for their open communication in the way they have liaised with the College. A reminder that if your son or daughter has any cold and flu like symptoms they should stay at home. If a student has a test for Covid-19, they must remain at home until a negative result is returned, even in a circumstance when they are asymptomatic. If one of your family is unwell and being tested, then you cannot come to school until their result is returned negative.

Mr Darren Beks, Director of Students, can be contacted if you have any concerns or enquiries. Email: or Phone: 03 55511200. 


Students who are away can continue their learning through the Google Classroom suite. Any enquiries regarding student learning can be directed to Mrs Yvette Colquhoun, Director of Studies Email: or Phone: 03 55511200.


As parents are aware, we have said that if a student is unwell, they need to remain home from school. As you can imagine the same protocols need to be in place for staff as we continue to do all we can as a school and as a community to protect each other and fight this pandemic. With these extremely unique circumstances come higher levels of staff absence, as it will with student absence. It is clear to me that parents have a strong appreciation that these unprecedented circumstances will put inevitable pressure on staffing at this time. I would like to acknowledge our families and community for their understanding in this area as the College continues to do all that it can to ensure the best possible learning for students. 


In my welcome address to students last term I outlined a number of things that would be different as they came back. I stressed that if we were going to ensure the best experience over the rest of the year, we needed to create a new culture to enable everyone’s safety and wellbeing. This message remains, and with the increasing number of suspected cases in school communities it is even more relevant.


I spoke about 5 key messages and the importance of adhering to these while at school. 

The letter “S” for students will be very important as you return and frame our Monivae response; 

If Sick – stay home: The most important thing any student can do is if you are unwell, if you are sick, you must stay at home. We all need to be responsible and stay home when we are not well.


Social distance at school: Everyone knows that in this changed world we need to keep 1.5 m apart whenever possible. You may naturally want to hug your friends when you see them as we come back together - please refrain from doing this. We need to remember that to keep one another safe we must continue to practice social distancing. 

Stay left & Stay Moving: In stairwells and high traffic areas at Monivae we need everyone to stay left and stay moving.  If people stop to talk or gather in stairwells, in high traffic areas and around lockers, it prevents others practicing social distancing. 


Sanitise and sneeze responsibly: Hand hygiene is critical to everyone’s safety, as students go to the bathroom, washing your hands properly will be critical. The College will also have sanitiser units in each classroom, we ask that you sanitise as you enter each room. 

Study, Stay Connected, Sleep and nurture your spirit: I could add sport, work and the arts for your wellbeing as we are encouraging balance in all things as you come back.  It has been an unusual and trying time and we want you to stay well. This will be achieved by approaching all this with balance.  Focus on your school week, but do it in equilibrium with the other healthy things in your life. 


Kind regards,


Jonathan Rowe
