Library News


NAIDOC week is held across Australia every July for all Australians. The week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Due to COVID 19 NAIDOC week has been postponed until later this year, 8-15 of November. 

NAIDOC week's theme this year is “Always Was. Always will be.” The theme was developed to educate everyone about the length of time the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have occupied the land. “Anthropologists and archaeologists have dated our sites to being hundreds of thousands of years old, in fact recording some of these sites as being the oldest in the planet.” You can find out more about NAIDOC week on this link. 


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day

On August 4th it is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day. Children’s Day is a day to increase awareness of the impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child.   


The theme is “We are the Elders of tomorrow, hear our voice.’  Through stories and cultural practice traditional knowledge is passed down. Here is the website  where you can hear the children’s voices that play a crucial role in them becoming influential Elders and leaders in the community. 

These celebrations seek to inform, celebrate and encourage while exploring with the wider community. 


Activity – Included in this newsletter are some indigenous colouring in templates. It is believed that Indigenous Art is centred on storytelling. 


For library next week I will be reading a few books looking at Aboriginal beliefs and culture. Stay safe and hope you enjoy the books! 


Happy reading, Jamie Coombs