Parent Association

Parent Association would like to welcome you to our Kingswood community.
Parent Association is a group of parents who volunteer to organise social activities for the school community such as the Prep Orientation BBQ and the School Disco. We also organise large scale events such as the Family Fun Night, to which the wider community is invited. This year, we are also looking into other social activities for parents to connect with one another.
Parent Association is now on Compass so we can reach the entire school community. Facebook is still a great way to check out what Parent Association is up to. If you haven’t already, please consider joining the group: Kingswood Primary School – Parent Association.
Change in Structure
We have made certain changes to the structure of the Parent Association in order to make it more effective, to reduce the workload on the committee and encourage more participation from the school community. There are now only 3 roles within the committee: President, Secretary and Treasurer.
During the AGM held on 30th March the following people were voted into these positions.
President: Dhani Chandrasegran
Secretary: Dorit Patterson
Treasurer: Tracey Lees
We will have working parties supporting the committee to organise events. Parents are welcome to join the various groups. There is usually one face to face meeting after which most of the discussion occurs via Facebook Messenger. At present, there are 3 active working parties: Canteen Working Party, Disco Working Party and the Mother’s Day Working Party.
Term 1 was a big hit with our Ice cream days! We loved seeing the kids eager faces. While ice cream may not be as popular over the cooler months, we will be looking at other equally attractive options. There was also Pizza day for Harmony Day and Baker’s Delight which was a special treat for the students. None of these would have been possible without our fabulous volunteers and we look forward to working with you in the future.
As part of our service to the school, Parent Association organise the Mother’s Day/Father’s Day stalls, providing an opportunity for our students to purchase their special gifts for their parents. This year the Mother’s Day stall is on the 5th of May. All gifts will be $5 and students will be able to choose a gift for Mother’s Day.
On the 27th and 28th of May, we will be holding the rainbow-themed disco. For more information, refer to the Compass Newsfeed.