Acting Assistant Principal

Sharon Lomas
Acting Assistant Principal
Welcome to term 2, I am privileged to be your Acting Assistant Principal for 2021. My journey as an educator started to bloom in my early twenties as a kindergarten teacher in England. As a passionate, early years educator, I revelled in seeing how little minds grow. After becoming a mum, I wanted to learn more about supporting and engaging students' learning. I then completed my Honors Degree followed by a Diploma in Education. I have been a Design and Technology Specialist (STEM), classroom teacher, Literacy Learning Specialist, and Master Literacy trainer for the Bastow Institute of Education.
I joined the Kingswood community as a Literacy Learning Specialist in the infamous 2020 year.
In 2021, I am looking forward to being able to connect with the community and enhance communication and participation with our Kingswood families.
One of the student leaders’ projects that I am guiding is the new Kingswood Primary School Media news broadcast posted every week. This media production is where all the Habits of Mind certificates are announced to our students and families. Please tune into our special Mother’s Day episode next Friday.
Just a note to say that next term Kingswood Primary School will be holding Education/Book week. This bonanza will launch our school reading challenge. In addition, there will be author visits, a dress-up day, and an open evening with a family focus—stay tuned.
As part of the Government initiative, the tutoring program has been a welcome addition to support students to catch up. Our tutors are a fabulous team and an asset to our school.
There will be no ICAS assessments this year due to issues that occurred in 2020. A review of this decision will happen next year, as our current focus is on catch up and extending our students.
Thank you for welcoming me into the role, please contact me anytime.