Assistant Principal

Megan Franklyn
Assistant Principal
Welcome back to Term Two! This term I am so happy and excited to officially become the substantive Assistant Principal here at Kingswood Primary School. For those who don’t know me, I have been a teacher here since 2009, teaching and leading teams from Years 1 to 6. I have also taken on various leadership roles including Maths Curriculum leadership which led me to my Maths Learning Specialist role in 2020. When the opportunity arose in 2020 to become an acting Assistant Principal with a focus on well-being, I leapt at the opportunity to contribute to the Kingswood community in a different way. I believe very strongly in the vision and values that we model, which is one reason that both my children came to Kingswood, where they thrived, were supported and pushed to achieve their best. This has stood them in great stead as they now navigate the different challenges that secondary school presents.
One of the highlights of Term 1 for me, was seeing our students embrace Harmony Day. The special celebrations working party, a small group of parents (who are very friendly and always welcoming towards anyone else who is interested) organised two lunchtime activities where children came and drew whatever they imagined related to the theme ‘Everyone Belongs’. We saw drawings of families, sports clubs, and flags of the world. Our Student Representative Council (SRC) and school leaders also were involved with our Harmony Day poster competition and special lunch fundraisers which raised $663.73 for Friends of Refugees.
Our next special celebrations working party meeting is on Monday 3rd May at 3pm. If you’re interested in coming, please sign in at the office. We will be working on our Term 2 event which will be connected to Reconciliation Week.
On Friday the 24th of April, I had the pleasure of attending the School's ANZAC service in Dingley. I was so impressed with the quality of all the students who spoke. Well done to Chaya who represented Kingswood, and to our school leaders who attended the service and behaved so respectfully throughout. The singing of the combined choirs of Kingswood, St.Marks and Dingley Primary Schools added a lovely touch to the laying of the wreaths, and they sang the Australian and New Zealand national anthems beautifully. Thanks to the Noble Park / Dingley Rotary club who organised and ran the event so smoothly. We are delighted to continue our ongoing community connection with Rotary.