Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community


A very short video with our final thoughts on "distance education" version two, will be put on the Skoolbag app and school Facebook page this evening. It will be emailed to all families on Monday.


Temperature Check

I ask that all parents and guardians be aware, that as of Monday, all our students who will be at school during this phase of "distance education", will have their temperature checked each morning at the front gate before they enter the school grounds. Generally the temperature checks will be conducted by myself. Like all schools, we have received non-contact infrared thermometers for taking our student's temperatures. If a student's temperature is deemed to be high (ie 37.5 degrees Celsius or above), their parent/guardian will be asked to take them home. Again like all the protocols we have had to put in place and you have so respectfully followed, this protocol is to help ensure the safety of our school  community.



Facebook Page

Amelia (mother of Julian and School Board member), has very kindly set up a forum for parents to seek help and suggest ideas during this next phase of distance education. The group is on our school's Facebook page. I would encourage all parents who have Facebook to join our group. Already since Tuesday evening their has been some great ideas and postings for a laugh during these challenging times.


School Closure Date

I would ask that all families be aware of a school closure day on Friday 14th August. On this day the staff will be working on preparing or our school review in term four.


Final Preparations for "distance education" Version Two

Some photos are displayed below showing  final preparations for next week's distance education. We had many parents and students coming into school today, to pick up learning materials and computers to facilitate their learning over the coming weeks.



Our newly refurbished learning space outside Year One/Two

Please stay safe everyone.


Yours sincerely


Mark Tierney
