Administration Reminders

Payment & Consent for Excursions


Just a friendly reminder that all payments for Excursions and Events should be made via Compass. 


A significant amount of planning goes in to our major events and therefore a final payment date is always indicated in the event information.  Any requests for payments to be made after the final payment date will not necessarily be accepted, especially if it is a major event such as the End of Year Activities.  Your prompt payment for such events is greatly appreciated.


Although we prefer payment via Compass, if paying for an excursion at the Administration Office, we will only accept payment and consent at the same time. Payments handed in to the Administration Office will no longer be accepted without a consent form.  You or your child can print the permission note from Compass to bring along with payment.


It is extremely distressing for students and staff when payments for excursions cannot be accepted.  Please assist us in making this process seamless.


If you are experiencing difficulties logging in to Compass,  you can reset the password yourself as long as you have the correct login which is your family code. You must follow the ‘reset your password’ prompts on a laptop/desktop computer. It will not work on a smartphone.  If you are unable to reset your password it is paramount that you contact the office, so that we can get Compass back up and running for you.


If your child has CSEF there are two ways to process consent/payment.


1. Call the Administration Office to use the CSEF and update the event as paid in Compass and you   will then be able to consent online.

2. You or your child can print the permission note, sign and write CSEF on the note, bring it to the   Administration Office .  Compass will be manually updated to reflect payment and consent.


As students will not be receiving notes for excursions, it is important that parents are regularly checking Compass so they don’t miss any due dates to consent and pay for excursions.


Accounts Receivable

Bev McLean and Jacinta Catoggio

Sick Bay

Students must report to the Sick Bay when feeling unwell prior to contacting parents.  Parents will then be contacted by First Aid staff if their child needs to be collected from school.



Maree Kelly

First Aid Officer

Late Arrival to School


A few friendly reminders regarding late arrivals to school:


School commences at 9.00 am.


Please advise the College via Compass if your child will be arriving to school late. If this is not convenient, a phone call or a written note will be accepted.


Please ask your child to sign in at the General Office.


The late arrival will be recorded by the Attendance Officer and your child given an approved Late Pass when signed in at the Office.


Any late arrivals that are not approved before the end of Period 2, that is 11.30 am the same day, may result in a lunch time detention.


All parents/guardians will be notified via Compass by 11.00 am each morning if their child is not present for Period 1 and Period 2 consecutively that same day.


Please do not hesitate to contact the school, should you have any enquiries.


Jayne Kelly

Attendance Officer