News From the Principal

Dear Parent/Caregivers
Book Week Parade
Throughout the week we celebrated Book Week with a parade of characters from our favourite books. It was great to see so many of our children involved, with a great deal of effort going into the costumes by parents and families. We thank you all for this tremendous effort.
It was also fantastic to see so many staff involved. Check out the photos below!!!!
School Photos
A reminder that we have school photos next Tuesday 28th August. It is important that all students are dressed in full school uniform for this. Thank you for your support.
STEM Opening
As previously mentioned, the official opening of our STEM facility will be taking place on Thursday 13th September at 1:30pm. All families are invited to attend. The ceremony will commence in the Hall and then move into the STEM room at approximately 1:50pm. Coffee and nibbles will be provided.
Please keep the date free.
Kidz Biz Evening
On Wednesday night we had over 60 people attend our Growth & Development parent night.
Thank you so much to those that made the effort to come along. Feedback has been very positive. Thanks to Sally who presented to our families.
Think U Know Presentation
Thank you to the parents that attended this Cyber Safety presentation in Week 4. It was delivered by a local law enforcement member. The presentation covered issues relating to children and young peoples’ privacy and security online, their relationships with other users and their online reputation. It provided insight into the devices young people are using, as well as the popular websites, apps and social networking sites they’re accessing.
Again, feedback has been very positive.
For further information please click on the link below.