Classroom News

Room 11 - STEM
Students created a map with obstacles and a challenging path for Billy Goat Gruff to cross the river. Students programed the Beebots and recorded a sequence of steps to pass the obstacles (troll and bridge). During this task students worked as a team collaboratively to solve the problem.
Bahasa Indonesia
We have had a very busy term learning a lot of new things.
The Early Years classes have been learning new ways of answering the question ‘Apa kabar?” using a variety of detailed responses. Some classes retold the story of The Gardener and the Monkey using pictures and Indonesian language.
Primary Years classes have made cartoons where they have used questions and answers to create a conversation between two characters.
Middle Years students are in the middle of learning how to describe their house in detail, including the inside and the outside spaces.
Everyone has worked so hard this term to show our Largs Bay value of BERKEMAUAN KERAS (persistence).
Bu Chish
Room 23
This week in Literacy we have been learning about Procedural writing. We started the topic by discussing action verbs (‘doing words’) and the purpose of a procedure. We then looked at the structure of a procedural text which included a statement about what we are going to do, followed by the list of items and the number of steps and commands necessary to complete the task in sequential order. By following a set of instructions, students had a go at making paper planes.
Once the students become familiar with the structure of a procedural text, they had a go at writing their own procedure on how to make fairy bread. Anticipation grew as students looked forward to learning how successful their instructions were going to be. After swapping their procedures with one of their classmates and following each other’s instructions they made their own fairy bread.