Achievement Awards  

At our assemblies, students receive special awards. This is in recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff

Room              Name                           Reason 

Room    3    :    Archer     For demonstrating persistence in his writing.

Room    3    :    Jonathan     For showing respect to all teachers and peers. 

Room    4    :    Bentley     For demonstrating persistence with settling into his new class at Largs Bay.

Room    4    :    Angus    For demonstrating persistence in Maths.

Room    5    :    Manfred    For demonstrating persistence in all areas of learning.

Room    5    :    Cooper     For always demonstrating responsibility and being a role model towards others.

Room    5a    :    Billy    For showing persistence in mathematics.

Room    5a    :    Jye     For showing respect to both his teachers and his peers.

Room    10    :    Brodie     For demonstrating persistence in all areas of learning.

Room    10    :    Ryder     For showing respect to all teachers and peers. 

Room    11    :    Aubrey     For demonstrating persistence in all areas of learning.

Room    11    :    Cooper     For demonstrating persistence in all areas of learning.

Room    11    :    Mason    For demonstrating persistence in all areas of learning.

Room    12    :    Sisqo     For demonstrating persistence with his sight words and reading.

Room    12    :    Jasper     For demonstrating persistence with his writing. 

Room    12    :    Sharlene     For demonstrating respect to all teachers and peers.

Room    13    :    Jack     For showing great persistence during our narrative writing unit. 

Room    13    :    Silas    For showing great persistence during our maths lessons. 

Room    13    :    Kate     For showing respect to both her teachers and her peers.

Room    14    :    Harley     For persisting with his focusing and learning in class.

Room    14    :    Jaiya     For persisting with her narrative writing.

Room    16    :    Connor     For being persistent across all areas of his learning.

Room    16    :    Athan     For taking greater responsibility for his learning. 

Room    16    :    Willow     For always demonstrating responsibility and being a positive role model towards others.

Room    17    :    Ava     For showing persistence and producing quality work in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    17    :    Lily     For showing respect to both her teachers and her peers.

Room    17    :    Bradley     For taking responsibility for his learning, especially in Word Study.

Room    19    :    Coby     For being persistent and showing  improvement in his reading.

Room    19    :    Anika     For showing great respect to both her teachers and her peers.

Room    20    :    Hayden     For being persistent and showing  improvement in reading.

Room    20    :    Oscar     For being a persistent learner in his reading.

Room    22    :    Riley     For being a persistent learner and trying his best .

Room    22    :    Bella     For showing respect to teachers and peers.

Room    23    :    Maddi     For being a persistent learner in her school work.

Room    23    :    Cooper     For being a persistent learner in his reading and writing.

Room    23    :    Emma     For showing greater persistence in her writing and reading.

Room    26    :    Nash     For demonstrating persistence in his writing.

Room    26    :    Hayley     For demonstrating persistence in Maths.

Room    26    :    Blake     For being a responsible in and around the class.

Room    27    :Finnian     for showing persistence and producing quality work in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    27    :    Otto     For taking greater responsibility for his learning. 

Room    27    :    Ava     For being a responsible student in class and in the yard.

Room    29    :    Kane     For demonstrating persistence and high level thinking in Science. 

Room    29    :    Max     For being an excellent role model and constantly showing all school values, particularly respect for others.

Room    29    :    Ashley     For being a more respectful student and classmate. Big improvements, well done Ash!

Room    30    :    Stephen     For showing persistence in mathematics.

Room    30    :    Lincoln     For demonstrating persistence in the face of challenging moments.

Room    30    :    Taiga     For demonstrating responsibility in challenging his own learning direction.

Room    31    :    Hunter    For showing persistence and challenging himself in mathematics .

Room    31    :    Seth     For showing persistence and producing quality work in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    32    :    Aidan    For showing persistence in all areas of the curriculum.

Room    32    :    Alyssa     For showing persistence in all learning areas.

Room    32    :    Dajah     For showing great respect to both her teachers and her peers.

Room    33    :    Madison    For always showing the highest levels of respect to all peers and staff.

Room    33    :    Liam     For being an excellent role model and constantly showing all school values, particularly responsibility for his learning.

Room    33    :    BJ    For taking responsibility for her learning and being motivated to improve.

Room    33    :    Byron     For growing as a person, by taking responsibility for his actions and his learning.

OSHC Award



Room 27

Attendance Award



Room 12