News From the Principal

Dear Families,
STEM Opening
Yesterday was the official opening of our STEM building. We were privileged to have Dr. Susan Close (State Member for Port Adelaide & Deputy Leader of the Opposition) and Mr. Rick Persse (Chief Executive, Department for Education), as well as other dignitaries attend the opening.
With the beautiful weather, proceedings were held outside.
Once the official section of the opening was over, guests made their way to the STEM building where our students were building, designing and creating various projects.
This was followed by coffee, cake and nibbles.
I would like to thank all the staff for their on-going support in making our new STEM area so successful, in particular Jo Wiese, who has worked tirelessly to engage our students in this area of learning.
Staffing Information
I would like to congratulate Daina Wilson and Chelsea Bernardi who have won permanent teaching positions at Largs Bay School commencing in 2019. Both teachers have been with us for the past few years and thoroughly deserve this opportunity.
Two other positions will be announced in the coming weeks.
2019 Classes
At the moment, we are beginning to look at numbers of children for 2019 so that we can begin the class placement process.
It would help our planning if you know of any changes for next year (eg if you are moving etc and not planning on returning to Largs Bay) if you could let the front office know as soon as possible.
Also, if you know of any families considering enrolling at Largs Bay for next year, could you please let them know to contact us at their earliest convenience.
Finally, if you have any specific requests for the placement of your child, (friendships etc) please put them in writing to me, either handwritten or via email no later than Friday 26th October (Week 2 next term).
Please note that while requests are taken into consideration, there are no guarantees that they can be acted upon.
Thank you for your support.
Sports News
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those children that have been involved in weekend sports finals. It is a rare opportunity that we get to play in finals and is something they will remember for a long time.
Congratulations to our 65 students who competed in the District Cross Country trials at Semaphore earlier in the week.
Special thanks to Mr Burge for all his training sessions after hours.
Last Day of Term
With the end of term rapidly approaching, a reminder that we finish at 2.00pm on Friday 28th September following our assembly. Weather permitting, we will hold the assembly outside in Yard A commencing at 1:30pm.
At the assembly, I will be presenting the Outstanding Achievement Awards as well as the Term’s Outstanding Attendance Award.
We look forward to seeing as many parents and family members there as possible.
A newsletter will also be going out on the last day of term.